Happy Birthday Wifey!
ok, this post i owe to Wifey and have just been procrastinating on putting it together. in actuality, i'd had this whole thing written 1 time while
in class but the stupid BLS wireless connection lost the whole thing before i could publish it. goddamnit! so, my lovely roommate Wifey celebrated her 24th birthday a while back and the whole BLS crew went out to celebrate w/her. we went to CocoRoco for a peruvian dinner, which seemed the perfect choice b/c everyone was craving meat (although i ended up getting red snapper, w
hich was also very good). Gohm and i also had the most incredible shrimp ceviche. it was yummy and there was lots of it, which i appreciated.
since we're such a mature crowd, we made good use of the crayons that Coco Roco puts on their tables for you to use on their paper tablecloths. Adidas had mancrushes on both Egg and Gohm. it was adorable. i think it's b/c he usually hangs out w/Wifey and i so he was just happy for the testoterone. tho, he always gets mancrushes on whoever's around when he's drunk. hmm...
after dinner we all headed over to Camp on Smith Street for drinks. this place is adorab
le. the whole theme is outdoorsy and there are kayaks and ge
ar hanging on the walls. the main feature tho is the indoor fireplace. i was also pretty excited about the s'mores they offered, although we didn't get any. next time, o yes, i will get some next time. after all the hubbub, we went home and played drinking games and just had an overall good time. as predicted, Adidas challenged Egg to a drinking competition. it ended when Adidas attempted to go to sleep in Wifey's bed. either way, completely fun and hopefully same for Wifey!
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