the only spot available was the standing bar directly in front of the doors, which works fine for me since work's only 2 stops away. and today, i had the pleasure of having eye candy in the form of a good-looking man standing across from. hooray!
i'd also see this guy before on at least 1 occasion on the same train, and must've thought he was attractive then as well, since i clearly remembered him. as i surreptitiously stole glances at him, i realized how inopportune my position was in relation to him. if i wasn't standing directly in front of him, at such a close distance, i could probably just stare away to my heart's content and enjoy his sharp, attractive features. but in my current location, it would be super creepy and awkward to just stare straight at him.
seeing this in front of you COULD make you uncomfortable. just a bit. |