Monday, July 28

and then it was all over

do you know how addicted i am to that So You Think You Can Dance video? everytime i come upon my blog i just have to watch it at least once. it's just too good.
yes, i'm hopelessly behind on trying to keep this thing updated. it's just been a very blah period for me and i just can't seem to get myself motivated. i hope this funk doesn't last too long. i'm too young to be going through mid-life crisis already...

the revelry and summer antics began once law school finished up in mid-May. as soon as finals was over, Senior Week began. as i learned, Senior Week=drunken revelry. the finals party was at ReBar in DUMBO. from what i can remember, the place is pretty nice (trendy, dark and loungey), except when it gets packed it's practically impossible to get drinks and the drinks are pretty pricey for any Brooklyn bar i've ever been to. i think it was the pre-gaming before the Finals Party that got me in trouble altho all i drank was beer and didn't even participate in flip cup and i'm pretty sure i only had 2 or 3 drinks (altho ReBar does make them heavy-handed on the alcohol FYI). for whatever reason, i got trashed. in about half the pics i post here from that night i'm admitting now that i don't remember taking them. and sadly, i lost my jacket that night, which i've only owned for about 5 months (at the time). so sad. tho it led to something funny happening later: i wanted to step outside for some air but didn't have a jacket and it was still pretty cold at the time so Adidas lent me his. i stumbled outside and ran into Buddy who had been drinking around the corner and somehow convinced me it was time to go home. i later found out that Buddy was so wasted that he had passed out at the bar around the corner. anyways, Buddy hailed a cab and was grabbing my arm and pulling me into it (tho i was so drunk it wasn't that hard). anyways, i wake up the next morning and noticed i went home wearing Adidas' jacket. luckily he lives in my building so it wasn't that bed. i bent over to pick it up and realized something else: Adidas' wallet was still in his jacket. i checked my phone and there was a bajillion calls from Adidas, Egg and DRC who i'd walked out on w/o saying bye or letting them know i'd left. needless to say i profusely apologized to Adidas and Egg, altho it turned out it wasn't as necessary to DRC b/c she was also pretty drunk and got into her own hijinx (and it's accompanying scandal but let's leave that alone since it's so over and done w/).
a few days later was a going-away party at M1-5 which was another drinking fest altho way more dramatic and i completely wreaked havoc on my body. point of fact: you should stop drinking when the sun comes up. i didn't heed this advice and was up drinking until 7 am and then woke up at 11:30 am to go to the Mets game w/DRC and the rest of BLS. it was a nightmare riding the 7 train to Shea Stadium and (of course) the seats were very high up and you can imagine how fun that dizzying climb was while i was super hungover. i was so pissed i was in such bad shape that i couldn't eat any stadium food e.g. hotdogs and beer. and poor DRC could tell i was suffering on the subway ride back to Brooklyn. i'm pretty sure i even announced at some point that i just wanted to throw up-not a smar thing to do on the subway.

the week consisted of birthday parties and meeting up w/friends for more drinks and by the end i was burnt out but what a way to go.

Thursday, July 10

the room was spinning

the night before July 4th, the girls and i decided to get together and do a mini-drink fest since nobody had to work the next day. however, i got an unexpected call from my parents who advised me Cousin was in town and had missed her planned flight and had taken a red-eye instead but they hadn't heard from her since. being concerned, she is family after all, i made a few calls and found out she was doing fine and hanging w/Snoopy. it's pretty much obligatory to have to see family when they're visiting, especially when they're visiting from out-of-town. so i made plans to meet up w/her after work and hopefully i would help her get the bus back to Jersey to meet w/my parents for dinner.

except things never go as planned when it comes to Cousin. she's notorious when it comes to time-management.

so i was supposed to meet Cousin in Chinatown around 5:30/6:00 pm. except i know her well enough to anticipate she's going to be late so i told her to call me when she was leaving Grand Central and even gave her directions on how to get to Canal Street from GCT. except of course she didn't do either. she failed to follow my directions and didn't call me until she was already at Canal Street in Chinatown-although i shouldn't complain really b/c she ended up having to wait for me instead of vice versa. we then met up w/Snoopy and by then it was pretty obvious that Cousin wasn't gonna make it back to jersey to have dinner w/my parents so instead Snoopy, Cousin and i ended up getting dinner together instead. and this in turn made me run late to go meet up w/the girls back at Feil. see the chain reaction when it comes to Cousin?

So you think you can dance-bleeding love

luckily, although i missed So You Think You Can Dance (which, aside from the video posted here, i'm not that crazy about-i just can't get into all that ballroom dancing stuff), i didn't miss my favorite show to watch: America's Next Best Dance Crew. phew. we sat around and watched the show, caught up on gossip during the commercials, and then headed over to Trout for drinks. i'm always shocked at how packed Trout is on weekend nights. and not full of law school ppl either but just regular joe-shmoes out for the night. weird. in reality, i didn't really want to go to Trout that night, and the crowd just made it more so but DRC had made a royal edict that if we went to Brazen she would leave or go home. i mean what can you do when 1 of your good friends drops a statement like that? so there was really no choice.

fortunately, we only stayed for 1 drink b/c Shy told me he was at Brazen and we all headed over there after our 1 drink. love this place. maybe b/c it's so cheap. or maybe it's the bartenders who have started to get to know me by face. or maybe b/c it's 2 minutes walk from my apt. anyways, DRC left shortly after we got there and then it was just me, Coleslaw, Shy and his friend. did i mention we were getting free PBRs? my favorite bartender was working that night and, as it turns out, the PBR rep had been in earlier that day so all the PBRs we ordered for free. and we were very grateful. and then Shy's friend bought 2 rounds of shots (1 jack, 1 SoCo & lime). before we knew it, Shy was very drunk. so you ask me, how can i be sure? b/c don't you hate it when ppl think you're drunk when you're definitely not? well, i can be pretty positive b/c later when we were hanging at his place he did 2 very drunk things:
1.he plopped down on the couch and then immediately shot up and announced, "i need water" and proceeded to stand at the sink and chug water.
2.he went to go lay down and then announced, "no good. the room is spinning" and then spent some time sitting up but lamenting the fact that he was tired and just wanted to lay down.

Tuesday, July 8


one of the things about living in (or near) the city after having grown up in the suburbs is that during the summer you miss having a pool to lay out next to, a backyard to BBQ in, and house parties. luckily for me, Pimento invited a bunch of us to his house in Long Island for a backyard BBQ. upon getting there, i felt like i was back in my hometown-the only thing missing was a pool.

i was totally thrown off by Pimento's initial behavior which was very gentleman and host-like. so not Pimento. as more ppl arrived and more drinks were consumed Pimento turned back into the one i know and love. phew.

even tho i knew it was gonna be a house party and DRC, Coleslaw and i would be going together, it wasn't until we got there that i remembered the "fresh blood" concept. see, whenever you bring new ppl home to a house party where everyone else knows each other and grew up together, it becomes feeding time in the shark tank. and since Pimento's a boy, it figures a lot of the ppl he knew there were all boys and intrigued by the fresh meat to feast on. tho, i'll be clear, they were all for the most part nice and polite. it wasn't until later in the night that things started to get creepy.

as it got later and later and it was apparent that we would be staying over at Pimento's, DRC and i got caught in a trap set by 2 Creepers. it all started w/a joke i played on Creeper1 and then Creeper2 made me feel bad about teasing Creeper1. Creeper2 kept telling me how sensitive Creeper1 is and how i should really go apologize. and so i started to feel a little bad, since we were all guests and these were Pimento's childhood friends and i didn't want to offend anyone. but the straw that broke the camel's back was when DRC started joining in w/Creeper2 and telling me to go and apologize (and she did this all w/a totally straight face). so on DRC's urging i went outside to tell Creeper1 i was sorry. and that's how the set-up was put into action. it managed to separate me and DRC so the Creepers could prey on us individually. after a few traumatizing events, DRC and i finally got on the same page and decide to hold a united defensive front against the Creepers. we refused to separate from each other (altho there were some dodgy moments where DRC would abandon me) and we kept moving from room to room-leaving 1 room whenever they entered it.
except it didn't work. they just kept following us around! i was starting to get seriously creeped out and roped Coleslaw into helping us. so DRC, Coleslaw, Pimento and i moved to an upstairs bedroom to hide out. but the Creepers knocked on the door! so Coleslaw covered for us saying we weren't there and they should go look somewhere else. except they knocked again! this time they used the pretense that they left their cellphone in the room and needed to come in and get it but Coleslaw stood her ground and didn't let them in and eventually they left.

ok, ok, i know this sounds childish but i want to stress the fact we were in an area we didn't know and couldn't get away from and the host (Pimento) was pretty drunk and passed out so it's not like he could've helped us. and it is really creepy to have guys who just don't get the hint. when i'm in a club or bar in the city i have no problem dealing w/creepy guys but that's also b/c i'm in a large crowd w/bouncers and tons of ppl around.

brr...i'm getting creeper chills just remembering this incident.

Sunday, July 6

i rocked Rock Band

after the 4th of July festivities w/friends i went home for a reunion BBQ w/the fam and Debs' fam and cousins. i haven't hung out w/Debs' fam since Jerry & Jing's wedding so it was definitely worth the trip back to Jersey.

even tho the weather was a little crappy (extensive sporadic showers and super humidity), the spread at Debs' was, as always, amazing. there was shrimp cocktail, veggies and dip, and guacamole made from scratch w/tortilla chips. and those were just the finger foods. Debs' mom always makes this delicious green bean, grape tomato and edamame salad (a Rachel Ray recipe) and burgers and steaks galore. then there's my mom's famous potato salad-me and MiniDebs are in love w/it. btw, MiniDebs has grown up into such a hottie! i mean i know it every time i see her but still, it's astounding sometimes when i see her how she grew from a chubby little baby to the skinny tall hottie she now is.

the biggest highlight of the BBQ was when Debs' cousins brought Rock Band for Wii. and i learned a little talent i never knew i had: i can totally sing most of the songs on Rock Band. well, not well, but at least i know most of them. even i was impressed w/myself.

also, as a side note, i managed to make my sister cry b/c i accidentally ate all her blue gummi bears. i swear it wasn't on purpose. i was on the phone talking to Shy and there was the bag of gummi bears sitting next to me so i decided to try 1. and then we kept talking and i just kept taking 1 and then all the blue gummi bears were gone. i did apologize but it was to no avail. she was crying and pissed.