Wednesday, June 6


boys will be boys
wildin' out to Britney Spears

so for my birthday i got the idea for a karoake party at Japas 27. we got a great deal for a room for 3 hrs w/all the sushi and drinks we could order. me and the BLS crew headed out and met up w/Gohm and then Spoon, Debs, Kiks and Bubby met us there. it was a great time, singing lots of 80s songs, dancing, and sake bombs all around.
sake bombs!
Egg singing "Oklahoma!" Even Debs got into it!
adidas starting to get a lil' crazy and handsy w/the men

afterwards, we headed towards le banc for some more drinks. unfortunately, Adidas wasn't allowed in b/c he was too inebriated, so the party split up and Gohm and i, along w/Chen and Egg headed back to Brooklyn for more drinks and darts at Buck's before heading home.
me and Chen posing at Le Banc

the next morning, we all headed to Bar Tabac for brunch and all of us were suffering from the night before. still, a great birthday party w/some great people.

Sunday, June 3

i suck at pool

since Gohm's taking a monster nap i thought i'd do some more catching up on past events. so, right near Gohm's UES apartment is eastside billiards, which we were frequenting more often until he and Chow moved. the last time i really played billiards was about a year ago, and it was even longer before that, so suffice it to say i'm not very good. either way we went w/Oppa, Tina and Chow and i was the worst player out of all of them, and by a lot. i think i made about 2 shots in the 3 games i played. ridiculous.

the only thing i could sort of comfort myself about was that Oppa is easily distracted while he's playing so if you mess w/him you can get him to miss some shots. otherwise, Chow and Tina are true sharks when it comes to playing, particularly Tina, so watch out.

Friday, June 1


so Chow's bday is 2 days before mine so Tina planned a weekend trip to AC for him as a surprise and she and Gohm worked together to get a house for the weekend and invited all his friends to come down. the thursday before Tina and Meegs got all the food for the weekend: they prepared burger meat, bulgogi, duk bok ki, omelette and pancake ingredients for breakfast, bacon, sausage, tater tots, all the yummy stuff and then Gohm and Han brought the food down on Friday day and then they golfed and then waited for all of us to get there. Ming brought ingredients and the equipment necessary for hotpot dinner and Min brought the alcohol. when Chow got there, it was a real surprise which is always a good thing and then the boys all got started drinking like mad men and we all dug into the hotpot.

the 2nd day was pretty nice during the morning and everyone went to play outdoors and on the beach. somehow, Han managed to injure himself pretty badly. i'm still not sure what exactly happened, but all i know is that it involved a football and some trash cans. Han was pretty much on the injured list for the rest of the weekend.

that night we played a bunch of drinking games and i learned a new one called mafia. we all also found out how good of a liar Gohm can be through this game. we all headed out to the Borgata and everyone got ready to either gamble/try to go clubbing. Chow of course headed straight to the poker tables while Gohm, Stitch and i hovered around the roulette tables and i got to gamble for the 1st time ever which was super fun and now i can see why it's so addicting.

we left on sunday and had to drive through a nor'easter. both Gohm and i had never heard of the term "nor'easter" before so when Stitch said it i thought she had made it up but we heard all the news and weather channels using the term so that's how i found out it was a real word.