Sunday, April 15

durian=the foulest fruit on earth

Mentor tricked me into eating durian. granted, i was always a little curious as to what lay under that spiky exterior every time i passed it in chinatown. now i remember that curiosity killed the cat.

she called me up and convinced me to come down to her apt and we all waited around until the man w/the cleaver arrived to cut into it. we all stuck our faces down to smell it and immediately got a whiff of gasoline & onions.

still i braved it and the texture was mushy w/all these weird threads and the taste was still like scallions. overall it had no inkling of a fruit origin.

never being 1 to suffer alone, i brought some up to Egg's apt and made him and Chen try it. they had similar impressions as me. YUCK.

Saturday, April 14

BLSers to k-town

in order to integrate my BLS friends into my life, i took them out to players in k-town for their first night of drinking Johnnie Walker and eating sul rul tang. Egg was the only whitey but he's never been bothered by that. he quickly made friends w/the locals and all was good. even Chen got into drinking scotch, albeit mixed w/coke. Adidas got thoroughly drunk after a few shots (as always) and the night was off to a running startAdidas and Egg attempting to look tough

after drinking soju and a bottle of johnnie we walked over to Gahm Mi Oak and introduced the BLS crowd to their first bowl of sul rul tang. yea!!

Friday, April 13

The Park

so a while ago i went to Opus 22 for Stitch's party. Stitch is all kinds of hooked up so we had a table in the back w/a bottle of Grey Goose. it was pretty fun, a little cramped, but definitely the best selection of music i've heard while out in a while (lots of hip hop & R&B).

afterwards, everyone wanted to head over to the Park. now, i know i'm asian, but i'd never been to the Park before. and based on everyone's reaction when i told them about it, i feel ashamed as an asian. the final straw was when i called Egg to invite him to go and told him it was an asian club and he said "yea, i know. i've been there before". i felt so twinkified at that moment.

we had to wait on line to get into Park b/c we had 4 guys and 1 girl (me). turns out the Park has a rule that no one can get in w/o a girl. luckily at that moment Ming ran into some ppl he knew who had about 7 girls and 3 guys, so the ratio worked out. the downstairs of the Park is nice, w/a nice patio area to sit. however, we went upstairs which is extremely crowded and sweaty. this place is definitely an asian mecca. unfortunately, i didn't have my phone on me so when Egg got there w/his friend (a guy) they were stuck outside for a while until some random girls took pity and got them in. overall, i got the Park out of my system and now i can call myself a true asian.