Sunday, January 21

Cliche Law School Scandal

welcome back to BLS! which means final exam grades have been posted and a whole new semester of classes and briefs and outlining and...o man!! well, in order to tepper that fact SBA decided to have an event at Floyd's which was, as these things go, pretty fun i must admit. Even got Wifey to go out and Gohm to cross the Brooklyn bridge on a thursday night.

Adidas was pretty drunk before we headed out and came over while i watched Grey's Anatomy. At some point he started to harass Wifey and they were scurrying back and forth between my room and hers hitting and harassing each other. and i realized i'm back in school. like school, school; like college-school. i guess i thought it'd be different since everyone's older, but school just makes everybody a student again.

had a great time at Floyd's, ran into ppl i have classes w/and bonded and then we took Adidas to Happy Days Diner to get some food in him to sober him up and then headed home. Here's where the scandal comes in. Wifey ran into the Bobsey Twins while we were there and turns out Tweedledee was there w/her Civ Pro professor. who is around his 30s. and very hot. and the Bobsey Twins are reknowned for their "easy" morals. the next day rumors were abound that Tweedledee hooked up w/Mr. Civ Pro. and Wifey claims she heard a strange man voice in our apartment around the wee a.m. hours.

sigh, hooking up w/the prof? and coincidentally getting an "A"? that's just so cliche...

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