near the start of school (which now feels like AGES ago even tho it's not even the end of september yet), AABANY hosted their welcome-back-to-school event at Slate and as an APALSA eboard member, i felt compelled to go. plus there were free drink tickets and free food.
Adidas and i headed over together, worried that 1Ls would show up
and not recognize anyone but we were worried over nothing b/c no 1Ls showed up. bastards. Chipmunk met us there and we all started playing pool, eating food and just generally having a good time. Oni and Husband showed up later along w/Prez, all some of my favorite ppl. we also met a very pretty half-German, half-Korean waitress named Sharon so it was an overall good time and nobody wanted to stop when the event was over.
so we went to ktown. what were we thinking?
i convinced everyone to go to Players instead of Third Floor since i like the anju that Players gives us and it's not as crowded but they still play good music. i was all ready to get the Johnnie Walker/Ballantine bottle deal but the Prez and Husband (both koreans) wanted the Patron Silver deal. and i totally caved. that's what happens when you date a korean guy for a yea
r. you just compromise a lot instead of butting heads. i definitely didn't take many of those shots but at the end of the night Oni and Adidas were rocked and i was harboring a very strong buzz. we meandered over to Kunjip afterwards and ate some food and drank some more baek saeju and then all headed home. since we were 4+1 and the cabbie was giving us trouble bout it, i just hopped out and got my own cab.
on the way home i realized i was pretty damn rocked myself and promptly threw
up when i got home. 
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