Running commentary on the things I've seen, the places I've been and what I've done in my measly years. It might help some, entertain others or bore everyone (including me). Regardless, let's get this started...
Monday, December 31
this christmas...will be...a very special christmas...
Wednesday, December 26
an Oppa pseudo-date
let me just clarify this term "pseudo-date" tho i'm sure it's not hard to decipher. it's just the word i like to use to define hanging out w/a boy who you feel really comfortable w/ but it's just the 2 of you and you do stuff that might be considered a date if it wasn't for the fact that there is no chance of anything romantic or intimate happening beyond a platonic level. however, b/c i truly enjoy it and hope that all my real dates are so comfortable and fun i like to call them "pseudo-dates": essentially they're models for the future. wishful thinking.
so i've had pseudo-dates w/Prez and a lifetime full of them w/O-Henry and now i can confidently say that i've had 1 w/Oppa as well. this was back when i was still recovering from the plague but had spent so much time indoors at that point that i needed to get out on a friday night but didn't have the stamina for a real night out. Oppa happened to call and was in the same mood as me and was coming into the city w/some friends. at 1st we were supposed to meet at some place whose name i can't remember but as soon as i found out it was a ultra-trendy club i passed. Oppa wasn't feeling it either so he dropped his friends at the club and we met up at Blue Owl as recommended by Debs as a low-key lounge. i actually really like this place although it was a little more crowded than i'd hoped (but not obnoxiously so) and i guess that's a sign of a good place. it was fun to chat w/Oppa about everything and nothing. mostly i lament about how un-dateable i am and Oppa tells me why (do i talk too much? or is that a rhetorical question when asked on a personal blog?).
afterwards we went to Players for a few more drinks before Oppa would have to pick up his friends from the club and drive back to jersey. while there we randomly ran into Joebo and some of Oppa's other friends. ktown really is so small at 1 or 2 am. right as we were leaving Goldilocks and Yuka met me b/c Joebo had been clamoring for food. we finally sat down at Kunjip and then Joebo all of a sudden jumped up and said he had to go. it was so weird although i was advised by Oppa that he was obviously drunk. and you know why it obvious? b/c before Joebo left he gave me a hug and said "i love you". that's why it's supposed to be obvious (translated: he would never say that if he was sober. thanks, thanks a lot). regardless the girls all ended up staying and we ate some much needed food before heading back to brooklyn.
Monday, December 24
me i want a hula hoop
you know, for all my bitching, i actually enjoy being home w/the fam. aside from the fam perks, being home's just relaxing. since there's really nothing to do, it just ends up being no pressure and completely thought-free. it's like a sabbatical from real life. plus, i usually get to see some old friends that i haven't seen in forever.
even tho i couldn't see O while he was home-it happened to be during exams and then he left on the 16th but we
o and p.s.-how weird is it that i googled the restaurant to see if it had an official website to link to and found a blogger who had done a whole review of it and a picture that i could post? i just didn't expect it...
i got home on friday night, aftter spending the whole day completely hungover from the after-finals party at Galway Hooker (post complete w/pictures to come shortly-i promise). the next day i immediately set out to do all my x'mas shopping b/c i hate procrastinating on this stuff and i truly dislike the mall (although as a teen i loved it-i am getting SO old). so the whole family trudged off to Willowbrook Mall where i'm proud to say i did all my shopping w/in 4 hours. impressive no? fine, well i think it is.
aside from that just been doing the quality time w/the fam and sleeping a lot. altho i did go see Alvin and the Chipmunks today. i always watch childish movies w/my sister but in all honesty, it's only b/c w/her i can pretend like i'm not the 1 that wants to see it when i reality i totally am. the movie was adorable although nothing stellar but completely brought back memories of watching the cartoon show when i was younger.
ok, i just completely got distracted by the official movie website... i am a complete child
Wednesday, December 19
last hurrah before Thanksgiving

Tuesday, December 18
they raped me then made me their bitch
had Tax on saturday morning. if i wasn't crying about the exam i would've thought what happened is funny or at least amusing. the reason i had the exam on saturday morning was because it conflicted with my Commercial Arbitration exam so it was rescheduled. about 2 days before the exam i got a confirmation about which room i was going to be in. i show up on saturday, sit down, get set up, and they give me the exam and it's multiple choice. i am beyond ecstatic. i mean, multiple choice? my life couldn't get any better. then i look at the top of the exam form. DEAN?! my prof's Polito! i go up to the proctor to advise her of the situation and she spends 15 mins telling me to just sit down and take the exam and it's all fed income tax exams so it doesn't make a difference etc. since i don't know exactly what to do i decide to sit down and just take the damn exam. luckily the proctor comes to her senses and checks w/the controller and they tell me to go to room 601 where my exam is being administered and sorry for the inconvenience. needless to say, when i finally get the right exam i'm ready to weep and just give up. no multiple choice and (for me) so tough and definitely not enough time. i walked out of that exam totally traumatized.
i had my Corporations exam the following monday (yippee! only a day and a half to prepare!). luckily She helped me study. i perused my 100-page outline and then we went over exam questions together and discussed various concepts for 4-5 hours before i went back to my place and slept for 2 hrs and then continued studying until the exam at 1 pm. i was feeling pretty confident in my knowledge of corps and ready to go. then i got the actual exam. 3 hours for the topics that were on the exam was definitely not enough time. she covered SO MUCH stuff. par value? corp opportunity doctrine? conflict of interest? self-interested transaction? SEC 14(a)? LLCs, LLPs, GPs, close-corps? take-overs? mergers? sigh...the list goes on and on. the exam was 3 hrs with 3 sections: 2 essay questions and 6 short-answers. the irony is that she alloted the whole exam to take 2 hrs and 50 mins. SHE ACTUALLY EXPECTED US TO FINISH IT WITH 10 MINUTES TO SPARE!! blech...i wrote down to the wire and am just crossing my fingers and hoping that everyone was as traumatized by the exam as i was.
so obviously i was irritated by all this. then i got home after my exam on monday and the cleaning lady the Bobsey Twins had ordered arrived. ok, here's the deal w/this situation: i got back from my exam on saturday and was advised by Tweedledum that they had ordered a cleaning lady and i was to pay $30. they ordered a cleaning lady w/o ever asking me. she would be coming to clean both bathrooms and the kitchen. i was pretty pissed at first. who would ever make a decision w/o consulting others particularly when it comes to money. but, i'm not a bitch and since Tweedledee had already paid for the service on her credit card i was willing to pony up this time. then i met the cleaning lady. she was 2 hrs late and brought no cleaning supplies w/her. what was sadder was she went to clean the Bobsey Twins' bathroom 1st and couldn't find any cleaning supplies and came out to ask them if they had anything like a scrub or brush or anything to clean w/. and they said "no." the implications from their "no" is ironic and funny and sad all at the same time. it begs the question: so what do you usually do? and the naturally inferred answer is: nothing. so the cleaning lady had to use the supplies from Wifey and my bathroom. and this is what i paid $30 (so cumulatively $120) for. argh... luckily Egg came and rescued me and we went to Joya for dinner while she was here b/c staying would've been like having to listen to someone rake their nails over a chalkboard for 4 hrs.
Wednesday, December 12
out of context
and i hate all these classes.
hmm...well that's a predicament huh? well, there's nothing i can do about it so i'll just keep trudging for now. the 1 exam i'm done w/is the only class i really liked this semester: Commercial Arbitration. aside from 1 of the professors being very dry, the content was straightforward but interesting. thinking of commercial litigation focus now, which coincidentally is what the Rock's doing in HK which i just found out a week ago (when i was communicating w/the outside world).
since finals started i've realized:
1. it's amazing how much ramen a single person can eat
2. how easily distracting the Internet and TV; literally 2 hrs fly by whenever i take a "break"
3. i can actually (relatively) function on 3 hrs of sleep
4. how pretty the sun rise can be
5. how awful the sun rise can be
6. the ability to accomplish nothing while simultaneously working all day
ok, now onto what this entry's really about. a while ago i introduced Puff (who had to be renicknamed at his request. who knew ppl actually care about their pseudonym?) to Adidas on a random weekday night when he came to the Heights for the 1st time for drinks. we headed to Brazen and i just watched these 2 and realized: why hadn't i ever introduced them before? they actually have a lot in common. aside from the obvious (chinese males) they both like to party a lot and always have completely reedonkulous stories when they get wasted. ok, so maybe that's not a lot in common, but trust me, they actually do have a lot in common it's just hard for me to explain (they're both very childish, hilarious, have extremely high standards when it comes to girls etc.).
Adidas and his gf just recently broke up (well not recently anymore) and we were discussing his inability to be single and his potential to prove the "pimp" status he's always bragging about (he always claims he's "so good-looking". if you were here you'd know i was rolling my eyes right now). although, Adidas has been putting in more of an effort. he actually gets dressed for school now. well, "gets dressed" means he puts on jeans and a t-shirt as opposed to the swishy pants and grey sweatshirt he used to wear to school everyday. Egg and i saw him last week and we were both commenting on how he cleans up nice...
Friday, December 7
a pounding headache
since i can't go to these fun events, i'll just reminisce about an event that i've been meaning to write about for a while but hadn't gotten around to it: BLSPI Talent Show. i didn't go last yr, but decided to go this yr and help out (yes, i'm actually part of another org aside from APALSA). turns out they really didn't need my help but i stayed and Brantley and Ol' met me there. i was still on antibiotics from the plague at that time and i remember i was feeling pretty loopy from just 2 beers (yea antiobiotics!). the show was pretty good:
1. Chase Honeycup sang and played guitar. funny antics ensued involving the mic stand and Chase's height
2. BLS has its very own Jewish lawyer version of Eminem! he was actually really good and i'm kicking myself for not remembering his name. it was something hysterical...
3. the girl who should've won was actually something totally unplanned. some random girl was running towards the stage during intermission and took a massive digger. that everyone saw. i know it's mean to laugh at the person who falls, but it was funny. and for some reason the way it happened/how she did it was so that nobody there didn't see it
4. Institution did TaeKwonDo. umm, at least i think it was Tae Kwan Do...think he'll kick my ass if i misquote it? he does take it really seriously...
5. asians breakdancing. yea, you heard me right. well, actually, 1 asian. but still impressive. i remember Buddy and i rushing to the front and grabbing seats in the 1st row when it was time for breakdancers. we're such a couple of groupies.
so yea, the event was fun as a whole. but of course the really fun stuff happens afterwards, when everyone goes out for more drinks. we started out at Brazen Head which was completely packed. Egg and i walked there together w/some others and an argument got started about who should've won the talent show which somehow snowballed into an argument about gender and social trends. awkward. once it got too serious i just stayed neutral but Egg seemed pretty mad and left not long after getting to the bar.
or wait, did he? things were pretty chaotic. i remember stealing Buddy's hat and wearing it around and then Kinky and i got completely engrossed in a conversation about antics related to his name. this conversation was actually how Kinky got this nickname. and recently i found out from Egg that Kinky's got an Asian fetish. maybe that's why we were having that convo. hmmm...
we later travelled to Floyd's where i kept bugging Buddy, and in retrospect, i might've been cockblocking him. my bad... afterwards, Kinky and i went to Brantley's to potentially drink some more. then something weird happened.
Kinky and i were talking while walking into the elevator and then Brantley walked in w/this random guy. i could swear they were talking when i saw them. then he went w/us to Brantley's and we sat around drinking wine and Brantley was hiding out in the kitchen w/Kinky when the topic of pancakes came up but Brantley claimed to be too drunk to make them. then things were all of a sudden weird-like the atmosphere was weird. Kinky said he'd be leaving and the random guy went w/him.
now, the whole time i'd just assumed that Brantley knew this guy; that they'd met at Floyd's or just knew him from BLS since he lived in Feil. but nope. he was just some random guy. Kinky came back to Brantley's about 15 mins later which makes me realize how oblivious i am (that Kinky knew to draw this guy away but to come back). Brantley made us pancakes (yea!) and then i headed home where i passed right out b/c by that time i'd started to get that wine-related pounding headache.
as a post-script i was recently informed that that night was a just a fluke for random weird guy and he's actually very cool. who knew?
Sunday, December 2
the 1st snowfall
it being my last wkd before disappearing into the dark, dank hell of reading period i decided to spend time w/some of my favorite ppl (tho i couldn't w/ALL my favorite ppl, after all i'm only 1 person). i had a mini-slumber party w/Bubby and Kiks at their apt in Astoria where we gorged out on fondue and tapenade, flourless chocolate cake and wine. i love doing that w/them b/c it reminds me of my Smithie days (it was an all girls school so every day was a slumber party). there were highs and lows to the night: we watched Spiderman 3 (low) and talked about going to Taipei for my spring break (very big high). i really really really hope that works out b/c i'm dying to go again. it's 1 of my favorite places in the world. anyone else interested in going? i'll totally go w/you...
next morning i got to see Bubby's dad who was visiting her from Albany. it's been a long long time since i've seen him but he's always fun and since he's a lawyer and successful too, definitely someone i aspire to be like so seeing him's like seeing a mentor-he helped me in deciding law schools, gave me a summer internship, wrote me a recommendation and was always there for advice. Kiks and i went to Costco which is always so addictive for me. i just can't help myself from buying stuff when i'm there. plus Kiks got to see 1st hand my "get out! shut up! no way!" shopping attitude which she also found hilarious. hmm...if only i could see myself doing it b/c everyone seems to find it so funny.
that night i also had a really fun pseudo-date w/1 of my favorite ppl. we went to Kenka and had a really late dinner. i always have a lot of fun w/him but this was 1 of our 1st times out together 1-on-1 (hence the term pseudo-date). i miss the days of being friends w/guys like i was w/O-Henry (once we became platonic-ish) and O. there's only 1 downside about dinner which was that our pseudo-date had to be a secret. it makes it really weird when i truly think about it. i mean, we're not doing anything. i mean, literally, nothing. we ate dinner and talked. is that really something that's got to be under wraps? ok, so yes we are a guy and a girl and yes, other ppl might not get it and those who don't might have their suspicions, but for me it's always been a "who cares" view about all that. people are always gonna talk regardless of what you do, but when you start keeping things secret, you make yourself look suspicious right? o well...maybe i'm just overthinking it and it's his choice plus since we're not anything romantic i'm not gonna make a fuss-but if we were that would be very bad
Thursday, November 29
when i hear this i think of you...
1. Escape (the Pina Colada song) by Rupert Holmes: always reminds me of going to Cancun, MX over spring break. while we were traversing around Casa Magna, eating and laying out and drinking drinks, every time i looked out at the beautiful beach and ocean view and basked in the summer (well really, spring) sun i just kept thinking of this song. and totally irrelevant, but the song also reminds me of that movie The Sweetest Thing. another irrelevant side note, Rupert Holmes ended up writing 1 of the few mystery novels that i actually enjoyed, Where the Truth Lies.
2. Island in the Sun by Weezer: ok i admit it, i went to see Out Cold that stupid snowboarding movie. Erma and i went and i remember we were pretty psyched over some stupid joke that the trailer kept playing on tv even tho what it was eludes me now. regardless, Island in the Sun is basically the theme song of the movie and i'd never heard it before and immediately fell in love w/it then proceeded to bug my housemates by playing it continuously for the next month. ahhh, college...
3. Because I'm a Girl by KISS: even tho i've been listening to all types of Asian songs (chinese, korean, japanese) i've never really bothered to watch MVs. 1 day while i was forcing Gohm to listen to Rain songs we started talking about korean dramas, which for a short period i was very addicted to (although i've gotten lazy b/c i can't be bothered to read the subtitles right now) and i was commenting that they're always so friggin' sad. someone's always dying, constant unrequited love, unfair misunderstandings. the 1 that takes the cake is Autumn Fairy Tale. god! how much tragedy can befall a single couple? and they're always crying in every single episode. sheesh! not that i didn't cry when i watched it...but even for me it got a little exasperating. it was then that Gohm advised me that not only were korean dramas this way, but so were korean MVs. and that's when he played me this MV on youtube. it was a whole korean drama plot in a single music video! heehee. now i have this song downloaded on my iPod and although i'm not the biggest fan of it, every time i hear it i remember the video and the melodrama of koreans...
Tuesday, November 27
why is God trying to kill me?
last year i got sick right before exams. it was a complete nightmare and at 1 pt i was literally crying b/c i was so ill it was to the pt i just wished i was dead. of course it didn't help that i was dating Gohm at the time and whenever i whined to him about being sick he refused to coddle me (plus he was always going out w/his friends while i was on my deathbed which is like taunting a starving man by eating a giant steak in front of him).
this year i got sick right before the inter-APALSA mixer that i'd coordinated. it was the 1st time that BLS APALSA had officially coordinated a NYC APALSA event w/all the NYC law schools: Columbia, NYU Law, St. Johns, Cardozo, Fordham Law, Hofstra and New York Law. the event was hosted at Town Tavern and me and Co-Chair hyped it up b/c we wanted BLS to represent itself. then i got the plague.
i was home w/a fever, body aches, and coughing up a lung. it was completely miserable. so of course i couldn't attend the event. i did hear that BLS APALSA came out in full force and everyone seemed to have a good time. i even heard Wifey come home around 1 am which means it must've been ok b/c considering Adidas and i didn't go if it'd sucked she would've bailed after an hour.
Saturday, November 24
haha, ok, that was just the Gossip Girl in me coming out. actually Stitch and i spotted him while we were there waiting for Tina's bday party crew to show up and start. me and her were chilling near what-we-thought-would-be-our-table when Lance's crew walked by me. i had my glasses off (i always feel dorky wearing them in those trendy places. i admit its weird vanity considering what i wear walking around BLS) which meant i gave the impression that i was staring intently at everybody that i might think was cute since i actually couldn't see them clearly unless they were w/in 3 feet of me. when Lance walked by, i looked like the ultimate uncool fan/stalker. i involuntarily did a double-take then kept staring and squinting at him due to my lack of glasses, before finally putting them on and staring some more, then making Stitch look, then both of us looking together, then erupting into giggles after she texted her friend, Just Jared and referencing Gossip Girl (which we both shame-facedly admitted to watching).
prior to One Stitch and i met up for dinner at Nooch, Japanese/Thai restaurant. actually enjoyed the food although i had to stick to an udon soup b/c i was still recovering from the plague. Stitch was ambitious and ordered soft-shell crab as an entree which was just all crab. she didn't finish but it looked good.
the party ended up being shifted next door to Plunge at Hotel Gansevoort because One refused to let most of the party in claiming a lame 3:1 girl to guy ratio requirement. this on top of the fact that Chow, Minchul and Oppa were all purchasing bottles for a table. that's whack. so instead we headed over to Plunge which was easy for us to get into but poor Casper, who was meeting me there, had so much trouble. Plunge has got this crazy system in which in order to get more ppl in the waitress has to tell her manager if you've purchased more bottles to warrant more ppl and if so, the manager will tell the bouncer downstairs who will then allow you to enter to take the elevator to the penthouse. sigh... sometimes i can't believe how reedonkulous NYC lounges are.
i eventually left and, in my insanity, went over to Sing Sing on st. marks for BST's bday afterparty. Chipmunk later met me there (w/my BLS ID which had somehow fallen out of my purse-my hero...) and we all sang a bunch before finally heading home to brooklyn.
Tuesday, November 20
finally, a quiet weekend
the clues were pretty creative tho, and definitely opened up the area and introduced some new places. here's some of them:
1. Find the special of the day at Noodle Pudding-38 Henry Street
2. Take a picture of yourself on line at Grimaldi's-19 Old Fulton Street
3. Name the fruity street names in the neighborhood
4. Landmarks: Jane's Carousel-56 Water Street
Norman Mailer's place-142 Columbia Heights
Birthplace of AA-182 Clinton Street
62 Montague Street-where Arthur Miller (author of Death of a Salesman) lived w/Marilyn Monroe
5. Find the highest score on Pac-Man at Tea Lounge-254 Court Street
6. What's inside a "dark and stormy"?
after the scavenger hunt Egg, Brantley, Ol' S and Wifey met me for brunch at Lobo which completely hit the spot. it was all in celebration of Egg's bday which was that weekend. o yea! that's it! me and Oni had gone out the night before and made a stop at Sin Sin for Egg before heading over to the Park to meet her ex! wow...i'm impressed i remembered that. hmm, why was i so hungover the next day? o yea, it was those Petron shots...blech.
back to the Mexican brunch. Brantley got a delicious and huge burger instead of traditional brunch fare. it was so cute b/c she was so specific in getting the perfect cheeseburger w/fried egg. we were all like seagulls circling around her french fries which were just the way i like them (crispy crispy crispy). the meal i was most envious of was the Tulsa: jalapeno cheese grits w/2 eggs and tortillas, which Egg was smart enough to get. those grits were so delicious. i got the huevos rancheros which were good, but ended up not being so smart for my sensitive tummy and i wasn't the biggest fan of the sauce they used. Wifey and Ol' S got the Migas which was also really good from what i tasted.
Wifey, being the korean she is, had to go for both tabasco sauces: the red and the green chile kind. she quickly learned how spicy the green one can be. it was hilarious to see her, the korean spicy queen, admit defeat from a hot sauce. she was just about tearing at 1 point and had to gulp down rice and water.
Thursday, November 15
once again we went to Toto (take a lucky guess as to who recommended that). the event was pretty fun overall. i got to see Haeya turn into mean korean girl which was hilarious. Co-Chair sang the 1st song and when he finished his score popped up on
i also got to see Prez sing what has now turned into his trademark song (Burn by Usher). everyone's jaw just about fell to the ground
Wifey was completely out of hand tho. she had brought her own bottle of vodka and was plugging away at it slowly and just got completely belligerent. she slowly but surely receded into the corners of the sofa and was pretty quiet for the night until she drunkenly professed her love for me and lamented our current roommate situation. when we finally checked out, Wifey was in her grumpy belligerent drunk phase and was clamoring for food so most of the e-board went b
at 1 pt during dinner Wifey ended up burning her wrist on the hot pot that contains the steamed egg
Monday, November 12
blatant honesty
so Moon told me yesterday that in light of the post-break up developments that have occurred I'm obviously Gohm's rebound girl and i may be reaping some kind of karma directed at me from Ahjima.
but, ok, i appreciate your honesty.
o and btw, you're a butthole.
but still appreciate your honesty.
Saturday, November 10
the death of a Legend
Wednesday, November 7
real friends
this always happens to me every once in a while. life's so circular sometimes. after a long run of constant outings w/large groups of ppl, everything tends to get a little monotonous. drinking. tables. late night food (recently it's always been ktown). cabs home. and it's always the same ppl. and i can almost guarantee that 1 of the ppl calling me on friday or saturday night is someone i haven't talked to all week (or the last 2 wks) aside from a random IM or gchat during the week that essentially asks how the other's doing. aside from going out together to someone's birthday party (how is it ALWAYS someone's birthday on the weekends? and do i really know that many ppl? i don't think so) these aren't always ppl i have a quiet dinner or drink w/, go watch a movie w/, invite over just to chat, meet for coffee. don't get me wrong, sometimes they are. even when i go out more often than not there's at least 1 person there who's been through it w/me and done all those things i just listed. when i take these sabbaticals from socializing it tends to be b/c i'm starting to go out just to go out. and then i tend to be w/ppl who are really just looking to add more body counts to whatever event they're going to just to be that person who knows at least 30 ppl in the party.
excuse me, i just dry-heaved at the thought of those ppl.
but never fear, i did eventually de-funk and went to Spoon's birthday party at Naked Lunch. every time i go here it's mad crowded but the DJ is so cute. Spoon and i have really known each other since high school but we attended middle school together too (different cliques, you know how the suburbs are). regardless, we've stayed friends and she definitely fits into my keeper category. she can definitely be a handful sometimes (when she makes her mind up to go buck, all hell breaks lose and i've definitely had my indiscretions on outings w/her) but she's also there for the quiet stuff too, it also helps i haven't had to be too vigilant about watching her when we go out together cause she can take care of herself. Kiks (another keeper from college) and i met at the bar-as always i was running late and got lost. all named streets are my kryptonite when it comes to sense of direction-and stayed for a few drinks before i met the Twins at Park which i appreciate for the ease of getting in (being female and all) and the calmness of the downstairs juxtaposed w/the dance floor upstairs. Oni and Yuka met me there w/some boys they'd picked up and we all danced and lost each other multiple times over the night.
and of course we ended up in ktown eating. and the cycle starts again?
Saturday, November 3
damn those ILS drink specials
i was double fisting at Maz Mezcal; only b/c they were so slow about getting the drinks and i was
i'm pretty sure the disco fries saved me from a night a yuking. god bless nj for teaching girls how to avoid the super hangover and hug-the-toilet vomiting.
Friday, November 2
i have a brand new cousin!
Thursday, November 1
Mentor-Mentee '07
Tuesday, October 30
get out! shut up! no way!
i eventually opted for jalapeno-butter grilled corn which i munched on while we perused the wares which were all pretty ghetto (nothing that's not available every day on the sidewalks of Court Street). we ran into Co-Chair who name-dropped bowling leagues in Williamsburg and small clubs on Avenue B before we moved on to Duane Reade where we probably spent more than an hour at. the trip started w/buying a shower curtain for Egg and then we just got all caught up in the housewares area and i proceeded to get some stuff needed for the apt too and then we were walking up and down every aisle and Egg was maniacally pulling things off the shelf (a garlic mincer?).
what probably took the most time was when we perused the condom aisle. i've got to admit, i haven't really looked at what's available in a while but now that i have props should be given to the variety that's out there now. and almost everything's geared towards pleasuring the girl. warming lube, crazily ribbed for her pleasure, tingling lube, de-sensitizing for the male lube, and get this...cock rings! Egg and i were pretty impressed by that. what happened to the day when cock rings were novelty items you bought at the local St. Marks sex shop? there was even 1 condom brand that had a carrying case for your cock ring/cleaning wipes. crazy. we kept goofing off and examining each case and analyzing the weirdest things (like how big does Magnum mean? and is that girth/length?). i don't think i've had that much fun at a Duane Reade ever.
Egg kept laughing at me b/c i tend to react w/outrageous cries of "get out!" or "no way!" or "shut up!" whenever i see something interesting.
tingling lube condoms? get out!
to prolong the fun Egg and i dropped off our stuff and then decided to go grocery shopping together at Trader Joe's in Union Square. it was Egg's 1st time shopping there and he was pretty overwhelmed and spent a crazy amt but well worth it since some of the stuff he bought will last longer and can be stored in the freezer. we'd meant to also make a stop at the Trader Joe's liquor store but by the time we finished grocery shopping the store was closed.
frozen edamame peas? shut up!
Egg was so excited w/all his new groceries that he made me a dinner of rosemary chicken stuffed w/sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese and roasted potatoes and a dessert of strawberry mochi.
Sunday, October 28
La Boheme
Debs had bought tickets to La Boheme performed by the NYC Opera at Lincoln Center for her lil' sis who ironically wanted to see Rent instead of it (Rent is based on La Boheme, something i didn't know until Debs told me at the opera house) so Debs asked me to go instead. i was really psyched to go but worried too since i don't do too well at truly cultural events (i always fall asleep at ballets and orchestras/symphonies when they're held indoors). i didn't have to worry b/c La Boheme was performed beautifully and i really enjoyed it, at 1st straining to read the supertitles and then not caring about them near the end. gotta love that Puccini.
since it was Friday night, i'd already gotten a bunch of calls about events going on and was sort of relieved about attending the opera w/Debs since it took off some of the pressure of trying to figure out where to go and what to do. afterwards, we went to grab some dinner at Heartland Brewery in Union Square (pumpkin ale's now available. it tasted like a beer-y version of pumpkin pie so i was in heaven) before heading over to Slate for GJ's boyfriend's bday party where Prez was. i was excited for Prez and Debs to meet b/c i think they're both adorable ppl and they're both my pseudo-dates sometimes, plus they're amongst my friends w/the least drama which i love the most.
Debs only stayed for a little at Slate (she gets uncomfortable in super-Asian crowds having grown up all twinkie) and that's when random chaos started. Chipmunk, Snoopy and GMoon called (all separately) a bunch of times trying to get into Slate but the doorman was being a douche and wasn't letting anyone else in (it was only 1 am-ish at the time). turns out GMoon and Chipmunk were w/Institution and they'd tried to get in w/about 12 other dudes and no girls(way too much sausage to get in anywhere really). they all travelled over to meatpacking but Chipmunk came back around by himself and i got him in under the "he's-my-boyfriend-and-i-need-him-to-walk-me-back-home-so-pls-let-him-in" pretense. eventually the group went to ktown and Prez and i opted to get food at Kunjip where i ran into Snoopy (who seemed pretty pissed that i hadn't called him back). he went on to norebang while Prez and i and the rest of the group stayed.
turns out Institution and GMoon were eating at the Japanese place above Kunjip (i know ktown's small but sometimes it's a little too small) and we all finished around the same time and headed back to Feil (after a lot of loitering in ktown w/all the guys trying to figure out where to go next and where to meet girls-since i was the only girl at this pt). some of us ended up at Institution's apt drinking Modelos and talking about ridiculous stuff until 7 am. what a weird weird night. it started out so nice and classy w/Debs and ended so frat-ish w/Institution and the guys.
Thursday, October 18
San Gennaro Feast
Egg and i went w/some others to Drea's bar event but it was really just a reason to go over to the San Gennaro Feast. it was pretty funny actually. all of us were clamoring for sausage. no matter what we said, it sounded perverted b/c it was all in the strain of how much we wanted the sausage. but nobody cared b/c it was deliciously worth it.
Egg also ordered some raw clams, which the guy shucked in front of us. they were surprisingly delicious and savory. and we managed to score a free 1 due to my love of sausage. i had just shared a fried oreo (which is another secret guilty pleasure. DAMN that is so so so good) and was clamoring about finding the sausage which made the guy shucking Egg's clams secretly smile so he hooked us up w/another free 1 just so i could try it. YEA!
Tuesday, October 16
flowers in the attic
Sunday, October 14
I Need to Work on my Lower Body
i haven't seen FDR since the singles mixer, and in all actua
we got into Park easily (we were the perfect guy-girl ratio: 2 to 2) and even managed to locate Egg, only to find out he was ready to leave. in fairness it was around 1 or 2 am. the truly surreal part was who Egg was there w/: Chace Honeycup (or should it be cut? and yes, this is a pseudonym bestowed on somebody just last night) and AsianFetish, along w/some other BLS kids. call me a little prejudicial but Park is not where i imagine that group going (sans Egg).
Thursday, October 11
i'm hungry...can you make me food?
Wednesday, October 10
the dilemma of an ex
but Gohm might be the exception. i've forged through a lot of stereotypical thinking, but Gohm's is 1 that i can't seem to breakthrough. from the whole, "i've got to marry a korean" to now where "exes are not friends," i'm starting to think that he's affecting me more than vice versa. this is not a philosophy i subscribe to. relationships are sacred to me. that's why i don't have that many. and regardless of how things end (tho i've never had someone cheat on me) i truly believe that if they were significant enough for you to date, they're significant enough to be friends w/. they're a part of shaping me into who i am. no matter what, they'll always be important. my next relationship will reflect what i've learned from my last. but Gohm...
i understand that it's always easier to write exes off than to keep them in your life. they're a constant reminder of the lost; of what could've been and what to stay away from. and it's a lot easier to be angrier. but really? can you just discard a whole year or more of your life? that easily? of course, it's easier to discard someone once you've found somebody else. no doubt about that. and let's just accept that that's the natural evolution of life. if you're not destined to be w/that person, it's not like they're gonna be alone forever. somebody is destined for them. and when that fate comes along, you've probably lost them forever b/c as an ex, you're on the banned list of contacts.
but what if you're cool enough? what if you want to keep that person in your life? how? how do you do that? how do you keep an ex? not as a back-up or a what-if but as a person who has substantially contributed to your life and shaped you into who you are?