Egg and i have both been pretty busy lately so we decided to take some quality time while being functional as well. he and i both had errands to do at Duane Reade and on Sunday he and i were walking over together when we passed a street fair going on on Court Street and since i hadn't eaten lunch we took our time while i looked for yummy street food.
i eventually opted for jalapeno-butter grilled corn which i munched on while we perused the wares which were all pretty ghetto (nothing that's not available every day on the sidewalks of Court Street). we ran into Co-Chair who name-dropped bowling leagues in Williamsburg and small clubs on Avenue B before we moved on to Duane Reade where we probably spent more than an hour at. the trip started w/buying a shower curtain for Egg and then we just got all caught up in the housewares area and i proceeded to get some stuff needed for the apt too and then we were walking up and down every aisle and Egg was maniacally pulling things off the shelf (a garlic mincer?).
what probably took the most time was when we perused the condom aisle. i've got to admit, i haven't really looked at what's available in a while but now that i have props should be given to the variety that's out there now. and almost everything's geared towards pleasuring the girl. warming lube, crazily ribbed for her pleasure, tingling lube, de-sensitizing for the male lube, and get this...cock rings! Egg and i were pretty impressed by that. what happened to the day when cock rings were novelty items you bought at the local St. Marks sex shop? there was even 1 condom brand that had a carrying case for your cock ring/cleaning wipes. crazy. we kept goofing off and examining each case and analyzing the weirdest things (like how big does Magnum mean? and is that girth/length?). i don't think i've had that much fun at a Duane Reade ever.
Egg kept laughing at me b/c i tend to react w/outrageous cries of "get out!" or "no way!" or "shut up!" whenever i see something interesting.
tingling lube condoms? get out!
to prolong the fun Egg and i dropped off our stuff and then decided to go grocery shopping together at Trader Joe's in Union Square. it was Egg's 1st time shopping there and he was pretty overwhelmed and spent a crazy amt but well worth it since some of the stuff he bought will last longer and can be stored in the freezer. we'd meant to also make a stop at the Trader Joe's liquor store but by the time we finished grocery shopping the store was closed.
frozen edamame peas? shut up!
Egg was so excited w/all his new groceries that he made me a dinner of rosemary chicken stuffed w/sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese and roasted potatoes and a dessert of strawberry mochi.
Running commentary on the things I've seen, the places I've been and what I've done in my measly years. It might help some, entertain others or bore everyone (including me). Regardless, let's get this started...
Tuesday, October 30
Sunday, October 28
La Boheme
w/o Debs in my life, i prob wouldn't have anything cultural/sophisticated to talk about, let alone anything truly exciting in the "real-world" sense of things. but luckily for you and i, she is in my life and so i have this entry.

Debs had bought tickets to La Boheme performed by the NYC Opera at Lincoln Center for her lil' sis who ironically wanted to see Rent instead of it (Rent is based on La Boheme, something i didn't know until Debs told me at the opera house) so Debs asked me to go instead. i was really psyched to go but worried too since i don't do too well at truly cultural events (i always fall asleep at ballets and orchestras/symphonies when they're held indoors). i didn't have to worry b/c La Boheme was performed beautifully and i really enjoyed it, at 1st straining to read the supertitles and then not caring about them near the end. gotta love that Puccini.
since it was Friday night, i'd already gotten a bunch of calls about events going on and was sort of relieved about attending the opera w/Debs since it took off some of the pressure of trying to figure out where to go and what to do. afterwards, we went to grab some dinner at Heartland Brewery in Union Square (pumpkin ale's now available. it tasted like a beer-y version of pumpkin pie so i was in heaven) before heading over to Slate for GJ's boyfriend's bday party where Prez was. i was excited for Prez and Debs to meet b/c i think they're both adorable ppl and they're both my pseudo-dates sometimes, plus they're amongst my friends w/the least drama which i love the most.
Debs only stayed for a little at Slate (she gets uncomfortable in super-Asian crowds having grown up all twinkie) and that's when random chaos started. Chipmunk, Snoopy and GMoon called (all separately) a bunch of times trying to get into Slate but the doorman was being a douche and wasn't letting anyone else in (it was only 1 am-ish at the time). turns out GMoon and Chipmunk were w/Institution and they'd tried to get in w/about 12 other dudes and no girls(way too much sausage to get in anywhere really). they all travelled over to meatpacking but Chipmunk came back around by himself and i got him in under the "he's-my-boyfriend-and-i-need-him-to-walk-me-back-home-so-pls-let-him-in" pretense. eventually the group went to ktown and Prez and i opted to get food at Kunjip where i ran into Snoopy (who seemed pretty pissed that i hadn't called him back). he went on to norebang while Prez and i and the rest of the group stayed.
turns out Institution and GMoon were eating at the Japanese place above Kunjip (i know ktown's small but sometimes it's a little too small) and we all finished around the same time and headed back to Feil (after a lot of loitering in ktown w/all the guys trying to figure out where to go next and where to meet girls-since i was the only girl at this pt). some of us ended up at Institution's apt drinking Modelos and talking about ridiculous stuff until 7 am. what a weird weird night. it started out so nice and classy w/Debs and ended so frat-ish w/Institution and the guys.
Debs had bought tickets to La Boheme performed by the NYC Opera at Lincoln Center for her lil' sis who ironically wanted to see Rent instead of it (Rent is based on La Boheme, something i didn't know until Debs told me at the opera house) so Debs asked me to go instead. i was really psyched to go but worried too since i don't do too well at truly cultural events (i always fall asleep at ballets and orchestras/symphonies when they're held indoors). i didn't have to worry b/c La Boheme was performed beautifully and i really enjoyed it, at 1st straining to read the supertitles and then not caring about them near the end. gotta love that Puccini.
since it was Friday night, i'd already gotten a bunch of calls about events going on and was sort of relieved about attending the opera w/Debs since it took off some of the pressure of trying to figure out where to go and what to do. afterwards, we went to grab some dinner at Heartland Brewery in Union Square (pumpkin ale's now available. it tasted like a beer-y version of pumpkin pie so i was in heaven) before heading over to Slate for GJ's boyfriend's bday party where Prez was. i was excited for Prez and Debs to meet b/c i think they're both adorable ppl and they're both my pseudo-dates sometimes, plus they're amongst my friends w/the least drama which i love the most.
Debs only stayed for a little at Slate (she gets uncomfortable in super-Asian crowds having grown up all twinkie) and that's when random chaos started. Chipmunk, Snoopy and GMoon called (all separately) a bunch of times trying to get into Slate but the doorman was being a douche and wasn't letting anyone else in (it was only 1 am-ish at the time). turns out GMoon and Chipmunk were w/Institution and they'd tried to get in w/about 12 other dudes and no girls(way too much sausage to get in anywhere really). they all travelled over to meatpacking but Chipmunk came back around by himself and i got him in under the "he's-my-boyfriend-and-i-need-him-to-walk-me-back-home-so-pls-let-him-in" pretense. eventually the group went to ktown and Prez and i opted to get food at Kunjip where i ran into Snoopy (who seemed pretty pissed that i hadn't called him back). he went on to norebang while Prez and i and the rest of the group stayed.
turns out Institution and GMoon were eating at the Japanese place above Kunjip (i know ktown's small but sometimes it's a little too small) and we all finished around the same time and headed back to Feil (after a lot of loitering in ktown w/all the guys trying to figure out where to go next and where to meet girls-since i was the only girl at this pt). some of us ended up at Institution's apt drinking Modelos and talking about ridiculous stuff until 7 am. what a weird weird night. it started out so nice and classy w/Debs and ended so frat-ish w/Institution and the guys.
Thursday, October 18
San Gennaro Feast
yes, the San Gennaro Feast was a lifetime ago, but hey, whatevs, i'm always catching up on this blog. regardless, i couldn't pass up the opportunity to eat lots of yummy fried dough and sausages.
Egg and i went w/some others to Drea's bar event but it was really just a reason to go over to the San Gennaro Feast. it was pretty funny actually. all of us were clamoring for sausage. no matter what we said, it sounded perverted b/c it was all in the strain of how much we wanted the sausage. but nobody cared b/c it was deliciously worth it.
Egg also ordered some raw clams, which the guy shucked in front of us. they were surprisingly delicious and savory. and we managed to score a free 1 due to my love of sausage. i had just shared a fried oreo (which is another secret guilty pleasure. DAMN that is so so so good) and was clamoring about finding the sausage which made the guy shucking Egg's clams secretly smile so he hooked us up w/another free 1 just so i could try it. YEA!
Egg and i went w/some others to Drea's bar event but it was really just a reason to go over to the San Gennaro Feast. it was pretty funny actually. all of us were clamoring for sausage. no matter what we said, it sounded perverted b/c it was all in the strain of how much we wanted the sausage. but nobody cared b/c it was deliciously worth it.
Egg also ordered some raw clams, which the guy shucked in front of us. they were surprisingly delicious and savory. and we managed to score a free 1 due to my love of sausage. i had just shared a fried oreo (which is another secret guilty pleasure. DAMN that is so so so good) and was clamoring about finding the sausage which made the guy shucking Egg's clams secretly smile so he hooked us up w/another free 1 just so i could try it. YEA!
Tuesday, October 16
flowers in the attic
Brantley recently hosted a game night and, like the dork that i am, i was giddy w/anticipation for it. Friday night rolled around and when i showed up at Brantley's the set-up was very impressive. she had delicious food laid out (thank god for Trader Joe's) along w/25+ bottles of wine (again, compliments of Trader Joe's). props have to be given to Brantley for her impressive hosting skills.
things really started to get dramatic when we played Pop 5. a product of the Cranium crew, Pop 5 takes a spin off the whole Cranium concept, in which you allot points for each clue category based on what the topic/card is. simple enough. the 1st time we played the teams were pretty much evenly split at random. ultimately we discovered: i rock at this game. aside from the time when i have to be a clue-giver, i'm an awesome guesser. i mean, guessing Metallica from a drawing of a scale and knowing the category's music? that's just genius. what really brought me to superstar status tho was the last question. Mike decided to sculpt the topic which we only knew was in the category "book." he started to sculpt what looked like a mushroom to me (Alice in Wonderland?) but which DRC guessed "flower." DRC guessed Flowers for Algernon and when this was wrong i immediately yelled Flowers in the Attic (and yes, the game had escalated to the point where we were always screaming our answers). the look on the opposing team's face was priceless. their jaws just sort of dropped and they were all stunned. turns out i'm the only person who knows about this book which surprises me b/c i remember it being a big deal when i was a kid due to the 80's movie. plus, who doesn't know about the book dealing w/brother-sister incest?
i felt even more vindicated when i saw a recent episode of Ugly Betty in which they made reference to the book in relation to the possibility of Amanda and Daniel being half brother-sister and having slept together.
after this round i became the golden ticket that everyone wanted on their team. Josh, bless his heart, kept adamantly demanding we be on the same team. ultimately it came down to boys vs. girls aka the gays vs. the breeders. the gays also got Egg by default (he did dance ballet in high school). they still lost. afterwards we headed towards Brazen Head for more drinks before i stumbled home around 3 am only to have to wake up to make PB &J sandwiches at 10:30 am for the APALSA kickball game at Prospect Park.
Co-chair came over w/a ginormous pumpkin spice latter (yea it's back! and bless his heart) and we made brown bag lunches for the event. it was an adorable concept and prob 1 of the most kick-ass brown bag lunches ever made: Oreo cookies (mint, double-stuffed and chocolate creme), fresh fruit( orange wedges and grapes), juicebox (apple juice/gatorade) and PB & J sandwiches (cut into 1/4s-it was so cute). we were literally making these lunches until the last minute but they went over well at the event, which also had a decent turn-out.
and mock my athletic ability all you want, but my team won. so nah-ni-nah-ni-nah-nah. of course i did have Chase Honeycup on my team. and i really pitched my ass off. don't believe me? i pitched so well i got Co-Chair to foul out.
Brazen Head,
new york,
Prospect Park
Sunday, October 14
I Need to Work on my Lower Body
ok, let's see if i can do quick catch-up entries now that i'm trying to be more functional. Oppa, who i totally miss, had a going away-ish event at Branch a while ago prior to his trip to Korea (which is where he is now). but before i could meet up w/Oppa i had made plans w/FDR to meet up 1st.
i haven't seen FDR since the singles mixer, and in all actua
lity i haven't hung out w/him since ASW's wedding in Vegas. it was actually really good to see him again and he's just as entertaining and easy to get along w/as ever. i introduced him to Oni (i am such a good friend. how many boys has this girl met through me at this point? ahem) but w/Oni's ex hovering in the wings i think that's a pretty dead end and FDR's 1 of the few ppl who shuns Facebook so there's really no way for them to stay connected. Casper met us at Gaslight in Little West 12th, which was surprisingly packed (w/o making you wait in line, an anomaly for that area) but played some pretty good music which is always refreshing. we stayed for a little and then headed over to Park to meet up w/Egg who i had ran into on my way out of the apartment and had told me he would be there.

we got into Park easily (we were the perfect guy-girl ratio: 2 to 2) and even managed to locate Egg, only to find out he was ready to leave. in fairness it was around 1 or 2 am. the truly surreal part was who Egg was there w/: Chace Honeycup (or should it be cut? and yes, this is a pseudonym bestowed on somebody just last night) and AsianFetish, along w/some other BLS kids. call me a little prejudicial but Park is not where i imagine that group going (sans Egg).
we finally got to Branch to meet Oppa where Boys Club was there w/their ringleader who was completely wasted. they all ended up bouncing but Oppa being the good oppa that he is, stayed w/us until the end. Branch plays pretty good music and we all danced a lot, and since this was shortly after my Cali trip, i totally had to try Margaret's stripper dance move, but alas, i couldn't pull it off w/o something to hold onto. and my legs were totally sore the next day. props to Margaret for being able to do that move w/o holding on to anything. she must have thighs capable of breaking a thighmaster.
i haven't seen FDR since the singles mixer, and in all actua
we got into Park easily (we were the perfect guy-girl ratio: 2 to 2) and even managed to locate Egg, only to find out he was ready to leave. in fairness it was around 1 or 2 am. the truly surreal part was who Egg was there w/: Chace Honeycup (or should it be cut? and yes, this is a pseudonym bestowed on somebody just last night) and AsianFetish, along w/some other BLS kids. call me a little prejudicial but Park is not where i imagine that group going (sans Egg).
Thursday, October 11
i'm hungry...can you make me food?
Oni always takes care of me by feeding me whenever i'm hungry. on a particular night, i ran into Prez outside of Feil and, letting me know he's hungry, we called Oni who was on her way back from class. as soon as i said i was hungry she was more than happy to provide some dinner for me.
i feel so loved.
when Prez and i showed up at her apartment tho, she told Prez she was sorry but she didn't have enough food. this was pretty surprising since she was making mi-yuk gook (seaweed soup). when it came time to serve the food tho, the truth came out. it wasn't that she didn't have enough food, it was that she didn't want Prez to try her food since she wasn't prepared to feed him. meaning, it's fine to feed me whatever, but for Prez it had better be a tried and true recipe of deliciousness. i don't know how i feel about that, but either way i appreciate being fed when i'm hungry and the food's always good.
ultimately, she did feed both Prez and i and it was yummy.
Wednesday, October 10
the dilemma of an ex
i swear, i've had 1 supernatural ability in all my life. i'm not super smart/super strong/super fast but in all my relationships, i've been able to maintain friendships. i've never ever badly broken up w/an ex. i think that merits some kind of acknowledgement as a super power.
but Gohm might be the exception. i've forged through a lot of stereotypical thinking, but Gohm's is 1 that i can't seem to breakthrough. from the whole, "i've got to marry a korean" to now where "exes are not friends," i'm starting to think that he's affecting me more than vice versa. this is not a philosophy i subscribe to. relationships are sacred to me. that's why i don't have that many. and regardless of how things end (tho i've never had someone cheat on me) i truly believe that if they were significant enough for you to date, they're significant enough to be friends w/. they're a part of shaping me into who i am. no matter what, they'll always be important. my next relationship will reflect what i've learned from my last. but Gohm...
i understand that it's always easier to write exes off than to keep them in your life. they're a constant reminder of the lost; of what could've been and what to stay away from. and it's a lot easier to be angrier. but really? can you just discard a whole year or more of your life? that easily? of course, it's easier to discard someone once you've found somebody else. no doubt about that. and let's just accept that that's the natural evolution of life. if you're not destined to be w/that person, it's not like they're gonna be alone forever. somebody is destined for them. and when that fate comes along, you've probably lost them forever b/c as an ex, you're on the banned list of contacts.
but what if you're cool enough? what if you want to keep that person in your life? how? how do you do that? how do you keep an ex? not as a back-up or a what-if but as a person who has substantially contributed to your life and shaped you into who you are?
but Gohm might be the exception. i've forged through a lot of stereotypical thinking, but Gohm's is 1 that i can't seem to breakthrough. from the whole, "i've got to marry a korean" to now where "exes are not friends," i'm starting to think that he's affecting me more than vice versa. this is not a philosophy i subscribe to. relationships are sacred to me. that's why i don't have that many. and regardless of how things end (tho i've never had someone cheat on me) i truly believe that if they were significant enough for you to date, they're significant enough to be friends w/. they're a part of shaping me into who i am. no matter what, they'll always be important. my next relationship will reflect what i've learned from my last. but Gohm...
i understand that it's always easier to write exes off than to keep them in your life. they're a constant reminder of the lost; of what could've been and what to stay away from. and it's a lot easier to be angrier. but really? can you just discard a whole year or more of your life? that easily? of course, it's easier to discard someone once you've found somebody else. no doubt about that. and let's just accept that that's the natural evolution of life. if you're not destined to be w/that person, it's not like they're gonna be alone forever. somebody is destined for them. and when that fate comes along, you've probably lost them forever b/c as an ex, you're on the banned list of contacts.
but what if you're cool enough? what if you want to keep that person in your life? how? how do you do that? how do you keep an ex? not as a back-up or a what-if but as a person who has substantially contributed to your life and shaped you into who you are?
Tuesday, October 9
Bubby turns 25
ok, now on to the content. Bubby turned 25 (at last!). she's the young'n of our Smithie crew. we met up for drinks at Ginger Man Pub in midtown and i got to meet some of her work friends and Kiks and Shannon came too. the place is pretty much an after-work midtown bar w/lots of work-midtown types there. the impressive thing is the sheer amount of beers they offer. it's probably got around 200 options. being a fall, pumpkin kind of girl i stuck w/the pumpkin ale which was yummy but it's no match to the 1 offered at Heartland Brewery. glad to have got the chance to see Bubby and Kiks who i haven't seen in a while and also spend some time w/some non-Asians in a more pub-y setting as opposed to lounges and trendy bars i've been frequenting lately.
Wednesday, October 3
I frown more often now
i've recently realized that my face in its natural state is often a frown. i'll be doing nothing, not particularly sad/mad, and i'll realize the corners of my mouth are turned down. when did this start to happen? i wonder if something in my life is making me subconsciously sad...
i was maximizing the amount of open bar for that 1 hr which resulted in me feelin
g a little sick, especially in a crowded venue like that. about 2 hrs in i was ready to go home. Yuka had another event to go to and so we hopped a cab over to Little West 12th and seeing the VIP-ish line at the new place, i immediately opted to just go home. Oni came w/me and she made me bibim neng myun which was so much better than anything else that could've happened that night.
o and did i mention that we left the Twins at Ultra? yea, that was the straw that broke Chipmunk's back i guess. although recently Chipmunk's been making some Facebook endeavors to Oni again...
Monday, October 1
Last Exit
on a random weekday i ran into Brantley on my way home from my Commercial Arbitration night class. she happened to be on her way out for a drink, and since she's the coolest kid around and i'm always dying to hang out w/her, she was nice enough to ask me to join along. i went upstairs to drop off my books and ran into Egg who also invited me to tag along and off we went to Last Exit.
Last Exit's the farthest i've ever been down Atlantic Ave (unless Magnetic Field's farther than Last Exit, in which case Magnetic Field's the farthest I've ever been down Atlantic Ave). i texted Institution and invited him to come along, to which he replied "we'll see but don't wait up." excuse me? such a cocky korean...
what turned into a quiet and short night out got interesting when we found out that on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month they hold an auction where ppl can bring in their junk and have it auctioned to the bar and receive the payments from the auction. while most of the stuff was pretty junky, it was still hilarious and the final item, the neon light-up Sierra Nevada sign was pretty cool and garnered around $30. right after the auction, Institution and GMoon showed up and we all stayed for another drink before finally bouncing.
Institution stopped for pizza on the way home which i didn't want to eat, except i DID want 1 of the 4 perfect pepperonis on it (it was sicilian, thus square, thus only 4 pieces of pepperoni). however, that glutton didn't want to share it w/me! i tried to grab it and a melee ensued in which 1 of the pepperonis fell victim to the ground. see, if he had just generously given it to me it wouldn't have been wasted. perhaps next time he'll know better.
and also, Egg owes me $10 for losing a bet so if anyone sees him pls be sure to remind him.
Last Exit's the farthest i've ever been down Atlantic Ave (unless Magnetic Field's farther than Last Exit, in which case Magnetic Field's the farthest I've ever been down Atlantic Ave). i texted Institution and invited him to come along, to which he replied "we'll see but don't wait up." excuse me? such a cocky korean...
what turned into a quiet and short night out got interesting when we found out that on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month they hold an auction where ppl can bring in their junk and have it auctioned to the bar and receive the payments from the auction. while most of the stuff was pretty junky, it was still hilarious and the final item, the neon light-up Sierra Nevada sign was pretty cool and garnered around $30. right after the auction, Institution and GMoon showed up and we all stayed for another drink before finally bouncing.
Institution stopped for pizza on the way home which i didn't want to eat, except i DID want 1 of the 4 perfect pepperonis on it (it was sicilian, thus square, thus only 4 pieces of pepperoni). however, that glutton didn't want to share it w/me! i tried to grab it and a melee ensued in which 1 of the pepperonis fell victim to the ground. see, if he had just generously given it to me it wouldn't have been wasted. perhaps next time he'll know better.
and also, Egg owes me $10 for losing a bet so if anyone sees him pls be sure to remind him.
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