Running commentary on the things I've seen, the places I've been and what I've done in my measly years. It might help some, entertain others or bore everyone (including me). Regardless, let's get this started...
Wednesday, September 26
the pink black hole
on a random late night outing, i was hanging out w/Pinky at his place until the wee hours of the morning. fell asleep around 7 a.m. and woke up around 1 p.m. at which time, Pinky being hungry, we ordered food. we order from a Thai place (which only has VOSS water, which cracks me up. what delivery place only has VOSS water?) and sit around watching 2 Hugh Grant movies (Love Actually and Notting Hill. such good chick flicks).
sitting there w/Pinky, i realized what a giant black hole his place is. he definitely lives a life of leisure (per se). he doesn't have to go in to the store unless something happens w/1 of his sales girls so then what could he potentially do all day and which he did the day i was there? he wakes up, orders food, watches tv and talks online, gets "other stuff" delivered to take up more of his time (you gotta love NYC for that. just about anything you can conceivably have delivered can be delivered). he doesn't even have to leave his apartment ever. i actually asked him about that, b/c by the time i'd left (b/c i'd been in the black hole long enough) he still hadn't ever once stepped outside (and it was a beautiful day), and he admitted that there were full days that he never left the apt. that's mind-boggling.
on the way home i realized what made it stick out the most. Pinky's got a pretty hot apt (it was that muggy weather period) and when he woke up he basically opted to just trudge around the apt in his boxers. and he answered the door for all the deliveries like that (for the "other stuff" that's more reasonable b/c i'm sure when they get delivery calls at 4 in the afternoon they're pretty much suspecting that your apt's a mess, you have delivery food laying around and you're not going into work any time soon). so basically, Pinky can go whole days w/o ever having to get dressed. ever. i'm completely bewildered.
Tuesday, September 25
Cupid Shuffle
was searching for songs to listen to while doing my Corporations reading and notes and remembered this other tidbit of a hilarious moment when i was in Cali. In the car on the way to Hollie's Mischa was driving and trying to get everyone in the mood when he started to play Cupid Shuffle. i was sitting in the back between Margaret and Hen who all of a sudden started to go NUTS when the song came on. turns out they'd 1st heard the song when they went to Puerto Vallarta and had a great time dancing to it at some club. so all of a sudden both Margaret and Hen start doing the dance in the back seat. and i was still in the middle.
it was pretty funny being forced to do the Cupid Shuffle b/c the ppl surrounding me were doing it.
Sunday, September 23
Tequila is my kryptonite
Friday, September 21
burninGHoTSauce (1:15:27 PM): were gonna throw a party at ur house tomm
RequestNYC (1:13:45 PM): whos throwing it?
burninGHoTSauce (1:15:39 PM): me
RequestNYC (1:13:54 PM): nice, any girls?
burninGHoTSauce (1:15:46 PM): no
RequestNYC (1:13:58 PM): oh
RequestNYC (1:13:59 PM): then no
burninGHoTSauce (1:15:52 PM): ok fine
burninGHoTSauce (1:15:55 PM): ill bring my cousin
RequestNYC (1:14:07 PM): no
burninGHoTSauce (1:16:00 PM): ...
RequestNYC (1:14:22 PM): since shes your cousin
RequestNYC (1:14:25 PM): untouchable
burninGHoTSauce (1:16:34 PM): i wouldnt say the same thing about ur sister
RequestNYC (1:14:50 PM): oh you bastard
what makes it even funnier is the fact that (since i know them) i can easily picture and hear them having this conversation in person. of course, all proprietary rights will go to the ppl involved in this convo and should they find out i posted it here they may get a little shhhhh
Thursday, September 20
Monday, September 17
West Coast Love
1st, the airline. Virgin America is overall a pleasant experience. Jet Blue better watch out. the seats are just as comfy (leather) but the big draw is that they have an amazing touch screen located on the back of the seat in front of you. everything is touch: watch tv (their DirectTV is still a little shoddy. it was the luck of the draw what channels worked for you and at what time) and movies ($8 per movie, but some pretty good options including at least 4 foreign movies-Hula Girls, 200 Pound Beauty, This Our Exile, Heavenly Mission); listen to music (very similar to iTunes but costs nothing. and there's also a live radio option); even order food and drinks (snacks ranged from $1-2 w/typical fare of chocolate chip cookies, buffalo chips, fruit roll-ups and drinks were all free except for booze).there was also an option to play games (i stayed away from action and stuck w/anagrams and mahjong) and pretty soon you'll be able to shop and surf the net. overall the service is very promising. plus the whole attitude of the airline is obviously geared for our generation and younger. there's an option to chat w/other ppl on the flight through the touch screen and even the PA, when making the announcement for seatbelts and safety, ended it w/: "and so once everything's taken care of we're good to go."
Hen picked me up when i arrived and we headed over to his new place. Mischa was there (yes, i want to spell his name like Marissa from the OC. what what)and he's still w/Margaret which is adorable. they're such a cute and hilarious couple. 1 second they're fighting the next they're like "i love you". and man, if you ever see them dance...Hen's new place is conveniently located in West LA (as opposed to the Valley) but the old house was so much more spacious, particularly when it comes to bedrooms. Hen's room is so tiny compared to his old one. since i got in around 10:30 pm Hen and i just stayed up talking and catching up since it's been 2 yrs since i've been to LA to visit him.
the next day we went to Brent's Deli b/c Hen claimed it was the best NY deli in Cali. while yes, it's very good, considering i'm in Brooklyn now, going to a NY deli isn't really worth all the hubbub. but props to Hen for not overhyping the place. plus he really has a thing about those pickles, which they give you as soon as you sit down. it's kind of odd, but yes, those pickles are addictive. both the new and old (new being greener and not pickled as long). plus, this place did fries exactly the way i like them. super crispy. yummy yum yum.
afterwards we cruised Third street Promenade which was good just for the fact that i haven't done that ever yet. didn't shop/anything since there's nothing there that i haven't seen before but Hen also took me to walk along Ocean Avenue to see the beach which was nice. Cali's definitely got its weather going for it. it was fun just to be able to walk around outside on such a beautiful and sunny day. while there we decided to go and see 3:10 to Yuma since i've been pining to see it ever since i saw the commercial. we kept joking about whether or not theaters would be airing the movie at 3:10 since it was close to 3 at the time. alas, they're not. we decided to go to Century City Mall since Hen claimed they had a really nice theater. except they weren't playing the movie. so the attempt to see it was foiled. instead we sat and had drinks at Ummba Grill which has very nice outdoor cabana-like seating area.
for dinner we met up w/Cousin and Barishnokov at Yu-N-Mi for dinner. for the 1st time in history everyone was pretty much on time. and then we waited 45 mins to be seated. and unfortunately everybody was starving. i kept giving Hen dirty looks b/c i felt so bad for everybody else who had basically come to dinner just for me. on the plus side, we saw Pete Sampras and Bridget Wilson walking down the street while we waited. and inside we got to see Topher Grace (1 of the true loves of my life). we ate relatively family style aside from me ordering a sweet shrimp sushi (which was good) and Hen ordering a baked lobster handroll (which proceeded to fall apart as he ate it-which is why i don't order handrolls and which i'd just said prior to it happening). we also ordered a foie grais scallop tower, 3 sushi rolls and an uni box. overall good, particularly the more unusual stuff, but i think i was more impressed w/the number of celebrity brushes i had.
afterwards we attempted to go to Cabana Club for Cousin's friend's bday but the line was insane and it was such an Asian scene. while we made it through the 1st hurdle w/o waiting in line, the $20 cover that Hen and Barishnokov would've had to pay to get in was reedonkulous so we went to Lola's instead. ironic story: earlier that day, Margaret, Hen and i were watching The Hills and it was the episode where Lauren was saying how much she loved Lola's and we'd all been commenting about how that place must be so packed w/all the free publicity. and now coincidentally, that's where we end up. it was hilarious watching Barishnokov drink martinis but as it turns out, that's what Lola's is known for. i had a peach martini which was pretty good (i'm not actually a big martini fan anyways) and i really enjoyed the big piece of fruit at the bottom.
Hen had to do some work stuff on Saturday so i sat around watching pilots while he dropped of cupcakes at his boss' house (yes a little kiss-ass but hey, whatever it takes). i had the opportunity to watch Gossip Girl, Sam I Am, and Reaper pilots. before all of you. YEA!! plus they were all pretty good, even Gossip Girl, which i gotta admit i was so gonna pass on. i got hungry waiting for Hen so i'd eaten the leftovers from Brent's and also ate his leftover potato salad making sure to leave his pastrami-corned beef and his pickle alone in order to avoid getting dirt rubbed in my face (the unfortunate downfall of Hen's brother who had the audacity to eat his Brent's sandwich last time). when Hen got back we went to the Grove to walk around and windowshop where a saw a 3rd rate celebrity inside Barney's co-op but for the life of me can't place. but i will. it bothers me every time i think about it.
that night we went to Holly's for Hen's roommate Ben's gf's bday party. o yea, almost forgot, guess where we went to dinner beforehand: CPK. probably the only blight on the entire trip since why-oh-why would i want to go to CPK when i'm in LA? not that it wasn't good, just: i can eat that here. anyways, the party was amazing: great DJ playing danceable songs (gotta give props to LA for always playing good music vs. NYC lounges/bars. hello? enough w/the 80s rock. let's stick w/the top 40s and hip-hop & R&B); they'd booked the whole lounge for the birthday party; table service; and a nice little porch to go outside and smoke w/o having to actually leave the club. we stayed till closing (which is 2 am btw. i had no idea that LA nights end at 2. that's also kinda lame).
on Sunday Hen took me to the Pacific Palisades Farmers' Market which was really fun. plus we got to eat a little of everything and i love free samples. i'm still regretting not buying those marinated greek olives. instead i got some lemon almonds (surprisingly delicious and obviously a big seller), dried mangoes and a block of organic vegetable jack cheese. Hen got some kettle corn which i munched on and am totally regretting not having purchased too. we had brunch at a local place where i had an amazing southwestern eggs benedict (jalapeno cornbread, poached eggs, turkey sausage and black beans on the side).
later that day i went by the g-rents' in Rowland Heights, which is Asian mecca to me. bubble tea and chinese food up the wazoo. i love it. i haven't seen the g-rents in a while and while it was great to see them again, it was kind of sad. grandpa's gotten really skinny and grandma is at the beginning stages of Alzheimers. considering how vibrant they were from when i was younger it was upsetting. it's also incentive to go and see them as often as i can now while i still can. on the way back to Hen's Cousin took me by another non-fat pinkberry-ish place. i guess Cali's got the grasp on it since Pinkberry showed up there 1st and now all the original Korea transplants are popping up there too.
while Cali was awesome and i had a great deal to fly there, for me, nothing's ever for free. i made the mistake of leaving my digital camera in my checked bag and while in transit someone stole it. i'm so upset. particularly since it was a gift from Gohm and it was amazing.
Wednesday, September 12
minority mixer
Tuesday, September 11
happy birthday Snoopy!
we got to BLVD and finally met up w/the Twins who were pretty amicable about having to wait for us in a totally dead venue that was blasting dance music. we moved over to Katra which is luckily right next door. the doorman had already warned me that Snoopy was "looking sharp" and when i got downstairs i could see him right away b/c he was wearing a purple velvet suit. but hey, he's tall and skinny so he pulled it off. i've probably known Snoopy for about 8 years through Loveboat (no...not b/c i did it but b/c he met Cousin and i met him through her). we chatted and i introduced him to the crew and then i headed upstairs to find Oppa.
me and the crew went home and played 4 am Taboo like dorks (Casper and i would make such a good team).
Sunday, September 9
pseudo-date w/the Pres
afterwards Pres and i went to dinner at Dakshin for indian food since neither of us had eaten dinner. and so i got to know Pres a little better. we talked about past relationships and current affairs, weird dreams we have when we sleep, falling out of bed, etc. you know, all that getting-to-know-you-but-we-can-talk-bout-anything stuff (so the anti-thesis of Institution it's not even funny). afterwards we bounced to Stir and Sin Sin (after getting the wrong directions from Stitch and wandering up and down 2nd Ave, 5th Street and 4th Street) before just calling it a night and heading back to brooklyn. we hit traffic on the way back b/c Pres wanted to swing by the WTC site to see the lights (or did he just want to spend more time w/me in the car? wink, wink).
it was while out w/Pres that i realized how long it's been since i've been able to just comfortably and platonically hang out w/a guy 1-on-1. Egg doesn't really count b/c we just hang out at each other's apts and we're neighbors but we always go out w/groups. Gohm and i were obviously a couple so that also doesn't count. i can only think of Hen as the last friend i hung out comfortably 1-on-1. good thing i'm going to see him this weekend. it'll be super refreshing and nostalgic.
i totally freaked Pres out tho when he dropped me off. i turned to him and said: "this is one of the best pseudo-dates i've been on"
he replied with: "wh-wh-wh-what? um, um, um...wh-who? h-h-hu-hu-huh? y-y-y-yo-you m-m-mean ever?"
i burst out laughing and told him to calm down, i knew it wasn't a date. but Pres did look pretty scared for that moment.