on another random weekend past i had a birthday party to
attend at Park for one of the Boys Club. originally Casper and i were going to meet Yuka at a friend's house party but things ended up falling through so we decided to have a small pre-game at my place instead. i invited Bubby to come as well, as a sort of breath of fresh air (Yuka, Casper, Chipmunk, Oni and i were spending too much "us" time together on the weekends). Chipmunk and Oni were on a date so the rest of us drank some beers at my apartment before going out to Park.
Wifey had her own guest over. a mysterious man i believe she knew from high school and didn't want to introduce to me or the others. they spent all their time in Wifey's room which is adjacent to the living room me and the others were hanging out in. all of a sudden, i heard a very distinct banging on the wall. it was consistent. it was suggestive. i quickly ushered all of us to my room instead of the living room but the suggestion was already planted. o well, go Wifey. you g
et some ass.
we finally got to Park where i individually ran into members of Boys Club which was nice since i haven't seen them in a while. Pinky and his friends also ended up meeting us there which was another breath of fresh air from the usual crew. as always, Park was ginormously crowded and we were a pretty large group (Yuka had her international friends, Pinky had his boys, and Boys Club was milled around). while i looked for birthday boy to wish him "happy birthday" i let the others run free which turned out pretty interesting. Oni found a random to makeout w/ and another random to almost-makeout-w/, Chipmunk and Casper were stuck between entertaining Oni and meeting random girl friends. Pinky was a good staple/grounder to hang w/living up to the usual expectations of a good time.
after Oni's 2nd random almost-makeout i rounded up the troops and we were getting ready to leave. i was sitting at a table w/Pinky and his friends when i notice someone waving to me. it turned out to be Tweedl
edee of the Bobsey Twins! she was wasted sitting on a boy's lap and making out. she came over and gave me drunken love which was a giant surprise that i took w/a grain of salt but since then things have been more pleasant in the apartment between me and her so maybe she did remember the incident.
as always, i found myself in ktown w/about 12 people drinking baek saeju and samgyeopsal (6 orders!) and haemul pajun. that was fun by itself but i was so proud of Pinky for taking care of me and my friends. i always feel so proud when these oppas show their caliber and impress my friends since nobody else has really shown me they have the same.
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