Thursday, January 15

Graceful as a Ballerina

i hate losing contact w/friends, but it's inevitable when they don't live in the same city. and if they're in Cali, then the time difference also plays a part in whether or not significant phone conversations are made. which is why when AmericanJoe called me to let me know he was gonna be in NYC, i was beyond ecstatic.

AmericanJoe is a friend i met when i studied abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland for my junior year of college. i'm not sure why, but we really hit it off and i truly love this boy (altho not in that way, tho i'm not sure why because he's adorable and very funny). regardless, he was arriving from Cali and staying with his brother before they headed home together for their Christmas family reunion so of course we had to meet up.

i thought we were meeting for drinks or coffee in the afternoon, but that ended up changing to dinner at Schiller's Liquor Bar on the LES. that wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that by the time i showed up i really, truly couldn't eat a bite. however, i didn't want to be that girl who orders nothing while everyone is eating, so i ordered to Mac & Cheese which is served w/bacon bits. however, i only could eat 2 bites. AmericanJoe's brother had been raving about the dish and how he could eat 3 servings by himself, so i offered it to him but he said "no". and since we were going somewhere after dinner, it wasn't practical to have it packed up, especially since i was carrying a clutch person as opposed to a bag i could put it in.

it was probably one of my saddest moments to see them throw away an almost full portion of food.

the party we went to was around the corner and while AmericanJoe and i hung back the others went into the party. just as we were negotiating with the bouncer to get in (there was a cover-i hate covers. honestly, you're not that cool), our party came back out. turns out the party was very whack and not fun so we just bounced to a nearby bar for a drink or 2 before we split and headed home.

did i mention that it had started snowing while we were out? and the ground had turned very icy? o yea, it had and it did. so i was walking down the subway in my high-heel boots and i slid down the stairs. yes, it's embarassing as it sounds. and i broke my heel.

what was the best was when the couple that'd been walking next to me and saw me fall came over to check on me. i was fine except for my bruised and embarassed ego. and then the girl said, "well, that was really graceful. the way you fell."


Vicki Loo said...

so you've now broken 2 heels?

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