......i can tell you the where (Brazen Head, obviously) but i have no recollection why or what happened that night so that i couldn't remember. i have a sneaking suspicious it was the night of Mentor-Mentee dinner because Adidas and Egg are both there.
Running commentary on the things I've seen, the places I've been and what I've done in my measly years. It might help some, entertain others or bore everyone (including me). Regardless, let's get this started...
Friday, October 31
pictures i have no memory taking...
......i can tell you the where (Brazen Head, obviously) but i have no recollection why or what happened that night so that i couldn't remember. i have a sneaking suspicious it was the night of Mentor-Mentee dinner because Adidas and Egg are both there.
Wednesday, October 29
i remember back in the day
apparently i live in an apartment where we only use spoons. how do i know this? because whenever i go to reach for a spoon in the drawer, there are none. there's an abundance of forks and knives, but no spoons.
i went to go see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. mainly because Michael Cera is adorable. as a bonus, the movie was really good. predictably, Michael Cera was the perfect, lovable loser/dumpee. as a side note, in the movie he plays in a gay band, one of his bandmates who is Aaron Yoo, who i loved in Disturbia. and the yes, the story's a little predictable. however, aside from the occassional witty comments made by Kat Dennings and Michael Cera, the movie has 2 saving graces:
1. NEW YORK. the majority of the movie's spent driving around NYC and everywhere you look in the movie, you'll see something or somewhere you've been to. they go to Arlene's Grocery, Bowery Ballroom, Ultra Lounge, Grand Central Station, St. Marks, Veselka, and the list goes on and on and on. having always lived close to NYC (Jersey as a kid then Hoboken now Brooklyn) i love it when movies and shows do a good job showing real NYC locations instead of a set that "looks" like NYC. altho what would really make my day is being able to be on location at least once when they're filming these movies (i'd settle for being on location when they film Gossip Girl, as long as Chace Crawford or Penn Badgely were there-god i'm such a teeny bopper). however, the movie's not completely accurate; they make sacrifices for the continuity of the film.
for instance, all the characters are supposedly in high school, or at least Kat Dennings' character is. for sure, none of the characters are over 21. yet, they not only get into every bar and lounge they go to, but never once get carded. and while the movie tries to explain it away (Norahs' related to someone very famous), i just don't buy it. granted, i'm not famous at all, but i am 26 soon-to-be 27, and i get carded everywhere. and not just for booze. this aside, altho the characters are driving all over NYC, they never have problems finding parking outside of all the venues they go to. now that's just completely ridiculous. however, i didn't really notice this, the ppl i went to the movie with did. but it's a very true observation.
2. welcome back John Hughs! this movie really brought me back to the days of Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink. yes, it's predictable but who cares? it's been a while since any one got the teen romance down without being cheesy (and without involving the names Zac Efron or Miley Cyrus-blech). the movie was was adorable and endearing the entire way. i definitely walked out on a cloud of "aaaaaaaaaaawwwwww".
lastly, there's a scene in the movie i want to discuss. there is one scene where the characters get it on. and i don't know what it means in this jaded and accelerated world we live in, but the camera pans away and all you hear is Kat Dennings moaning. i just assumed they'd had sex. so i found it totally unrealistic when the camera panned back to them and both he and her have their pants fully on. it wasn't until after the movie was over that Coleslaw clarified for me the obvious: that they didn't have sex. OOOHHHH.
i went to go see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. mainly because Michael Cera is adorable. as a bonus, the movie was really good. predictably, Michael Cera was the perfect, lovable loser/dumpee. as a side note, in the movie he plays in a gay band, one of his bandmates who is Aaron Yoo, who i loved in Disturbia. and the yes, the story's a little predictable. however, aside from the occassional witty comments made by Kat Dennings and Michael Cera, the movie has 2 saving graces:
1. NEW YORK. the majority of the movie's spent driving around NYC and everywhere you look in the movie, you'll see something or somewhere you've been to. they go to Arlene's Grocery, Bowery Ballroom, Ultra Lounge, Grand Central Station, St. Marks, Veselka, and the list goes on and on and on. having always lived close to NYC (Jersey as a kid then Hoboken now Brooklyn) i love it when movies and shows do a good job showing real NYC locations instead of a set that "looks" like NYC. altho what would really make my day is being able to be on location at least once when they're filming these movies (i'd settle for being on location when they film Gossip Girl, as long as Chace Crawford or Penn Badgely were there-god i'm such a teeny bopper). however, the movie's not completely accurate; they make sacrifices for the continuity of the film.
for instance, all the characters are supposedly in high school, or at least Kat Dennings' character is. for sure, none of the characters are over 21. yet, they not only get into every bar and lounge they go to, but never once get carded. and while the movie tries to explain it away (Norahs' related to someone very famous), i just don't buy it. granted, i'm not famous at all, but i am 26 soon-to-be 27, and i get carded everywhere. and not just for booze. this aside, altho the characters are driving all over NYC, they never have problems finding parking outside of all the venues they go to. now that's just completely ridiculous. however, i didn't really notice this, the ppl i went to the movie with did. but it's a very true observation.
2. welcome back John Hughs! this movie really brought me back to the days of Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink. yes, it's predictable but who cares? it's been a while since any one got the teen romance down without being cheesy (and without involving the names Zac Efron or Miley Cyrus-blech). the movie was was adorable and endearing the entire way. i definitely walked out on a cloud of "aaaaaaaaaaawwwwww".
lastly, there's a scene in the movie i want to discuss. there is one scene where the characters get it on. and i don't know what it means in this jaded and accelerated world we live in, but the camera pans away and all you hear is Kat Dennings moaning. i just assumed they'd had sex. so i found it totally unrealistic when the camera panned back to them and both he and her have their pants fully on. it wasn't until after the movie was over that Coleslaw clarified for me the obvious: that they didn't have sex. OOOHHHH.
Saturday, October 25
Egg becomes a Chick...or is it a Cock?
happy birthday Egg!! i love you!!

Egg turned the whopping 26 (god i feel so old. and yes, i'm only 26 but still... i'v
e been 26 for 6 months!). for his birthday we went attempted to go to Sea, a Thai restaurant in Williamsburg. yea, that's right, Williamsburg. that just goes to show exactly how much i cherish Egg as a friend if i was willing to go to Williamsburg for him. altho, i'll admit, it wasn't that bad. we took the L from Union Square to Bedford Ave and, for my 1st trip to Williamsburg, the area didn't look bad. lots of little restaurants and bars. then we arrived at Sea. and i literally wanted to turn around and run. the place looks like a club that belongs in the Meatpacking district. except they expect you to eat there. over the loud club music. in the dark blue lighting. with a million ppl standing around holding martinis and screaming to hear each other. um
, no thanks.
luckily for us there was an hour and half wait for a table so we opted to go to the Thai restaurant next door. unfortunately, i can't remember the name. however, the food was just ok so there's really no reason to remember it in particular. after dinner, we headed even deeper into Williamsburg to attend Egg's friend's party. however, at that point i was in no mood to party. it's what always happens to me after eating a ginormous dinner. i get food coma and just want to sit and veg. it especially happens when i eat a dinner and drink a lot with it (which i did b/c Egg and i were the only ones who really drank at the dinner so we finished the majority of a bottle between us).
i made the requisite appearance at the party but was just biding my time until i could go home. yea, i'm lame like that, but the party wasn't that great, although the rooftop was. maybe another time.
Egg turned the whopping 26 (god i feel so old. and yes, i'm only 26 but still... i'v
luckily for us there was an hour and half wait for a table so we opted to go to the Thai restaurant next door. unfortunately, i can't remember the name. however, the food was just ok so there's really no reason to remember it in particular. after dinner, we headed even deeper into Williamsburg to attend Egg's friend's party. however, at that point i was in no mood to party. it's what always happens to me after eating a ginormous dinner. i get food coma and just want to sit and veg. it especially happens when i eat a dinner and drink a lot with it (which i did b/c Egg and i were the only ones who really drank at the dinner so we finished the majority of a bottle between us).
i made the requisite appearance at the party but was just biding my time until i could go home. yea, i'm lame like that, but the party wasn't that great, although the rooftop was. maybe another time.
Thursday, October 23
Welcome Whities
i'm so so hungry. i went on an eating rampage in the past 3 weeks and am now suffering for it to the point where (gasp) i must attempt to diet. since i know myself too well, i know that any extreme dieting isn't going to work (altho i do occassionally do the Mary-Kate diet or fast for a day or two. but even then i tend to cheat on those) and especially since i just went grocery shopping. a note on that: i'm totally addicted to grocery shopping and cooking. it's not that i want to eat all the food i make, i just really like making it. honestly, i only want to eat a bowl of whatever i make and then i'm over it. however, coming from an asian family where it's engrained in you to waste not, want not, i really can't justify not eating all of it. and then the fattening-up cycle continues. blech.
so the rules of the new diet is to keep a record of what i've eaten. i have a mini-notebook that DRC gave me which i'm using to restrict what i eat. for each day i can only fill up 3 lines in the notebook. don't worry tho, i'm very creative in how i fill up those 3 lines (my how my handwriting's become smaller and smaller-ok, not exactly but i can squeeze a lot on those 3 lines if i really want to). the 2nd rule is to not eat after 8 p.m. this was a fine rule until yesterday when i stopped by Egg's apartment and he offered me chocolate rugelah. i always see this ginormous box of raspberry and chocolate rugelah at Costco but never buy it b/c i only want to eat the chocolate ones. turns out She and i are a perfect match b/c she only wants to eat the raspberry ones! i ended up eating a rugelah before i realized it was 9:00 p.m. damn, i broke my rule. and then i proceeded to eat 2 more. after all, since i'd already broken the rule, might as well go all out. and then there's today, where i have class from 6-8 p.m. and i tend to eat lunch late around 2 or 3 p.m. the golden rule of dieting is that once you start breaking the rules, the diet's out the window. argh.
my love for food is exorbitant and knows no bounds. it's only matched by my love of free stuff. which is why i live for all the BLS fairs and events that offer free food and drinks. i think even after i graduate i'm gonna try to show up for the student orgs fair and the street fair BLS hosts. i haven't devised a plan as to how yet, but if i get to keep my old ID, i'm on it. the street fair this year was a little disappointing. there were the staples: barbecued brisket (always good), dippin' dots, the hot dog cart (this is what i look forward to the most. i never buy hot dogs off the street. i only eat hotdogs at barbecues,which are only available in the summer; baseball games; and the BLS street fair), popcorn and cotton candy. they decided to fancy it up this year with cheese fries, sliders and wings all buffet-style on fancy trays. however, i totally missed the mozzarella sticks and, if i remember correctly, there was sushi my 1st year. o well, it was all free so i'm not complaining.
the student orgs fair is more of a toss-up. tons of free stuff but not always food and drink. lots of candy but i don't have that crazy of a sweet tooth for candy (more for cakes). the staples tho are the Wine and Food Club, which always sets out free cheese and wine. yay! reminds me of college. and the Entertainment Club always sets out jello shots tho they're never solidified, but that makes it easier to drink. this year IALSA set out gelato (i think). it was yummy. what was a little disappointing was APALSA, and no i'm not being a traitor to my own student org, but they were making a poor showing.
first off, they had a crappy table placement. last year we were in a prime spot next to the Wine and Food Club (so lots of traffic b/c the table giving out free booze always gets the most ppl); but that's not their fault b/c SBA sets up where the tables go. secondly, APALSA officers weren't mingling. they were just hanging out at their table, chatting amongst themselves. you've got to engage people! lastly, and this is about APALSA in general this year, the club's much more clique-ish this year. yes, i understand, the student org's supposed to be targeted towards asians but the whole point is to be OPEN. plus, the more members, the better the funding from school. but nope, this year APALSA's only about the asians. poor DRC and Egg. DRC signed up on their mailing list and never receives anything from them. i think it's cause they saw her name and knew right away she wasn't asian. ok, that's not true. i really don't know why she wasn't added to the mailing list and i'm just making things up.
i'm still thinking of food so i'll add the recipe for Pork and Kimchi Dumplings (click the link). i made it a while ago since my grandparents were coming from Taiwan and i was in the mood to make something (see, i'm totally addicted to making food!). it was actually pretty good, altho i recommend not using cantonese-style dumpling skins because they are very thin so when i was cooking them it was very delicate and hard to pick up after steaming.
so the rules of the new diet is to keep a record of what i've eaten. i have a mini-notebook that DRC gave me which i'm using to restrict what i eat. for each day i can only fill up 3 lines in the notebook. don't worry tho, i'm very creative in how i fill up those 3 lines (my how my handwriting's become smaller and smaller-ok, not exactly but i can squeeze a lot on those 3 lines if i really want to). the 2nd rule is to not eat after 8 p.m. this was a fine rule until yesterday when i stopped by Egg's apartment and he offered me chocolate rugelah. i always see this ginormous box of raspberry and chocolate rugelah at Costco but never buy it b/c i only want to eat the chocolate ones. turns out She and i are a perfect match b/c she only wants to eat the raspberry ones! i ended up eating a rugelah before i realized it was 9:00 p.m. damn, i broke my rule. and then i proceeded to eat 2 more. after all, since i'd already broken the rule, might as well go all out. and then there's today, where i have class from 6-8 p.m. and i tend to eat lunch late around 2 or 3 p.m. the golden rule of dieting is that once you start breaking the rules, the diet's out the window. argh.
my love for food is exorbitant and knows no bounds. it's only matched by my love of free stuff. which is why i live for all the BLS fairs and events that offer free food and drinks. i think even after i graduate i'm gonna try to show up for the student orgs fair and the street fair BLS hosts. i haven't devised a plan as to how yet, but if i get to keep my old ID, i'm on it. the street fair this year was a little disappointing. there were the staples: barbecued brisket (always good), dippin' dots, the hot dog cart (this is what i look forward to the most. i never buy hot dogs off the street. i only eat hotdogs at barbecues,which are only available in the summer; baseball games; and the BLS street fair), popcorn and cotton candy. they decided to fancy it up this year with cheese fries, sliders and wings all buffet-style on fancy trays. however, i totally missed the mozzarella sticks and, if i remember correctly, there was sushi my 1st year. o well, it was all free so i'm not complaining.
the student orgs fair is more of a toss-up. tons of free stuff but not always food and drink. lots of candy but i don't have that crazy of a sweet tooth for candy (more for cakes). the staples tho are the Wine and Food Club, which always sets out free cheese and wine. yay! reminds me of college. and the Entertainment Club always sets out jello shots tho they're never solidified, but that makes it easier to drink. this year IALSA set out gelato (i think). it was yummy. what was a little disappointing was APALSA, and no i'm not being a traitor to my own student org, but they were making a poor showing.
first off, they had a crappy table placement. last year we were in a prime spot next to the Wine and Food Club (so lots of traffic b/c the table giving out free booze always gets the most ppl); but that's not their fault b/c SBA sets up where the tables go. secondly, APALSA officers weren't mingling. they were just hanging out at their table, chatting amongst themselves. you've got to engage people! lastly, and this is about APALSA in general this year, the club's much more clique-ish this year. yes, i understand, the student org's supposed to be targeted towards asians but the whole point is to be OPEN. plus, the more members, the better the funding from school. but nope, this year APALSA's only about the asians. poor DRC and Egg. DRC signed up on their mailing list and never receives anything from them. i think it's cause they saw her name and knew right away she wasn't asian. ok, that's not true. i really don't know why she wasn't added to the mailing list and i'm just making things up.
i'm still thinking of food so i'll add the recipe for Pork and Kimchi Dumplings (click the link). i made it a while ago since my grandparents were coming from Taiwan and i was in the mood to make something (see, i'm totally addicted to making food!). it was actually pretty good, altho i recommend not using cantonese-style dumpling skins because they are very thin so when i was cooking them it was very delicate and hard to pick up after steaming.
Monday, October 20
Out w/the Bad, In w/the Better
i've recently been in a little bit of a hide-out mode. however, this time it's a little different. it's not that i want to hide-out from anyone in particular and instead i'm longing for the days of yore, when life was less complicated and things were just about having some simplistic fun. recently, going out been's more dramatic and there has been more backlash for every action and reaction. and even tho, at this point, i truly believe it's all over and done with (for the most part), i think i'm having PTS regarding it and it makes me just want to sit at home or just have a quiet hang-out with my friends instead of starting a whole adventure out. sometimes when i'm out, aside from the handful of ppl i'm actually out with, i get a feeling of being displaced from the rest of the ppl there. and tho we greet each other with hugs and chat and joke and have fun, i get the feeling that if it came down to it, i would never see this person again. and i'd be ok with that. but i stay there and troop on through because it's better to have more friends than less, even if they're only good for when i need to add a body count to a party. depressing, right? sigh, maybe i'm just rambling... grumpy from trying to diet.
with my laziness, i've been cruising the web alot. so much fun stuff. i'm just on it until i give myself a headache and have to go to bed. i did find a video to a song i really like with 2 girls who made up a dance routine. i think i'm gonna ask Stitch or DRC to learn it and then teach it to me. looks fun.
i really shouldn't be so disaffected. things have been on the up and up ever since school started (relatively speaking). after all, i have brand spanking new roommates. no more Bobsey Twins! woo-hoo! that thought alone is enough to perk up my mood a bit. in celebration of the new roommates, we had a party. honestly, i don't think we'll have another party that was as well-stocked as this one. DRC and i bought beer, Coleslaw bought vodka and made OJ and cranberry frozen shooters, Six made sangria, and then some guests brought wine or booze. love thoughtful guests. then there was beerpong and although i'd intended to be able to play flip cup too, it wasn't necessary because ppl were sufficiently lubricated and mingling. what was even better was that some of my friends outside of law school even attended (tho no Oppa, i swear i'm gonna have to disavow him soon). and 2 of them, Douglife and Stitch, even got lucky! they both got lucky in different ways, but honestly, this is what all friends should be doing.
Douglife got lucky in that he ended up going home with 1 of Six's friends. apparently the girl was pretty wasted tho. she called Six the next morning asking how it was she ended up in Hoboken (where Douglife lives) and how disoriented she was when she woke up. however, just so it doesn't seem life Douglife's a creeper, the girl also commented on how much of a gentleman Douglife was by calling her a cab and getting her breakfast the next day. on the other hand, Stitch got lucky in a totally different way. she met Kiddo and those 2 were intellectually hooking up all night long. irony of ironies is that initially, she was interested in Hapa but we had a miscommunication and i thought she'd said Kiddo. things have worked out for the best tho because Kiddo and Stitch have really hit it off. and i'm so happy. plus, Hapa's turned out to be Lockbox 2.0 which means he's the kind of creeper that registers a 20 on a creeper scale of 1-10. so really Stitch dodged a bullet there. phew.
with my laziness, i've been cruising the web alot. so much fun stuff. i'm just on it until i give myself a headache and have to go to bed. i did find a video to a song i really like with 2 girls who made up a dance routine. i think i'm gonna ask Stitch or DRC to learn it and then teach it to me. looks fun.
i really shouldn't be so disaffected. things have been on the up and up ever since school started (relatively speaking). after all, i have brand spanking new roommates. no more Bobsey Twins! woo-hoo! that thought alone is enough to perk up my mood a bit. in celebration of the new roommates, we had a party. honestly, i don't think we'll have another party that was as well-stocked as this one. DRC and i bought beer, Coleslaw bought vodka and made OJ and cranberry frozen shooters, Six made sangria, and then some guests brought wine or booze. love thoughtful guests. then there was beerpong and although i'd intended to be able to play flip cup too, it wasn't necessary because ppl were sufficiently lubricated and mingling. what was even better was that some of my friends outside of law school even attended (tho no Oppa, i swear i'm gonna have to disavow him soon). and 2 of them, Douglife and Stitch, even got lucky! they both got lucky in different ways, but honestly, this is what all friends should be doing.
Douglife got lucky in that he ended up going home with 1 of Six's friends. apparently the girl was pretty wasted tho. she called Six the next morning asking how it was she ended up in Hoboken (where Douglife lives) and how disoriented she was when she woke up. however, just so it doesn't seem life Douglife's a creeper, the girl also commented on how much of a gentleman Douglife was by calling her a cab and getting her breakfast the next day. on the other hand, Stitch got lucky in a totally different way. she met Kiddo and those 2 were intellectually hooking up all night long. irony of ironies is that initially, she was interested in Hapa but we had a miscommunication and i thought she'd said Kiddo. things have worked out for the best tho because Kiddo and Stitch have really hit it off. and i'm so happy. plus, Hapa's turned out to be Lockbox 2.0 which means he's the kind of creeper that registers a 20 on a creeper scale of 1-10. so really Stitch dodged a bullet there. phew.
Friday, October 17
let's play 20 questions
...and any other games. DRC hosted a game night with probably the biggest turn out for a single game night at Feil Hall that i've ever seen. but having such a big turn-out has both pros and cons. the pros was lots of people=the more the merrier, but the con was that it's hard to get that many ppl to all want to play the same game with the same amount of enthusiasm. eventually the group splintered up to play different games.

overall the night was pretty fun (although it got a little dicey when DRC tried to get us to play the vH1 i love the 80s game). once again, i rocked Pop 5. eventually the game digressed to where they just used the cards from Pop 5 to play charades. and of course, as is the custom when at a party at DRC's, someone spilled the bowl of tortilla chips.

speaking of parties, DRC and i went to the Inter-APALSA event at Vesta last night. initially i didn't really want to go the city but since i'd finally finished my Memorandum of Law for Fundamentals of Legal Drafting, i just felt the necessity to go out and it seemed like nobody was staying around locally so there was no alternative but to go to the city. ironically, it ended up being DRC, Creeper and me that went together to the event. who would've guessed that that trio would be the one together? awkward...
in the end it was a good idea going to the city. altho the Inter-Apalsa event was definitely not as successful as last year (when Co-Chair and i were the social chairs for APALSA. even t
ho our reign had its own kinks, at least we always had big turn outs to our events), BLS came out and represented (we always do). Vesta played good music, fun to dance to, and DRC and i got our dancing shoes on. at one point DRC made the decision that she should totally be a go-go dancer instead of a lawyer, and i agree. BigPapa had a table with a bottle (although we were polite and only had once cup between DRC and i-we're not complete mooches).
a few interesting things happened:
(1) the Twins came back into my life! both of them happened to be at the event (yes, asians are that clique-y. we do all know each other). it was really good catching up w/them.
(2) apparently Wifey told SuperAzn that i hate her and want to punch her in the face, which is completely untrue. i only barely know SuperAzn aside from the fact that she's Princess's mentee, from NYU, and is (as by the nickname) super-asian. honestly, Wifey's got to grow up. i know she's very insecure and likes to be the "i'm-super-straightforward-don't-care-if-you-don't-like-it" type, but she also has this mean-streak because of all that and talks a lot of shit about everybody. you always gotta be careful with that girl.
(3) DRC invited a guy from Vesta to Floyd's, thinking he was hitting on me, but in actuality he was waiting for her. the guy came over to me and DRC while we were dancing and we were about to leave to head back to Brooklyn. right at the moment he got there DRC ran off to the bathroom and the guy just continued to stand there next to me. it was kind of awkward. it was pretty obvious he was just biding time until DRC got back so i just politely made convo with him until she got back (where you from, we're heading back to Brooklyn, etc.). when DRC got back from the bathroom i immediately walked away so that he could get on with business. she invited him to Floyd's and he said yes and started to follow us and DRC ran over to me to let me know she did me a favor by inviting him to Brooklyn until i explained he was hitting on her not me. how do i know? while DRC was in the bathroom i was conversing with the guy and told him we were leaving and heading to Brooklyn which he commented was too far for him since he lived in Murray Hill. but as i walked away and he was talking to DRC and she invited him to Brooklyn i distinctly heard him say, "yea, sure i'll go". so DRC inadvertently returned the affection of the guy hitting on her and ultimately gave him her number.
(4) Lockbox, Hapa, and 2.0 just prove that all boys are dogs. in the span of the night all 3 of them peed in alleyways. Lockbox was the worst b/c he peed outside as soon as we hopped out of the cab although we were right outside of Floyd's and were about to go in. he couldn't wait the 3 seconds to walk into Floyd's and use their bathroom.
i hadn't really intended to go out for anything significant since i still had to edit my paper which was due the next day at 11 am but of course the night ended up with me getting home at 4 am and had to wake up at 9 to do work. i am completely exhausted right now, but had a great time last night. what a good call on going out.
looking all playa, playa
in the end it was a good idea going to the city. altho the Inter-Apalsa event was definitely not as successful as last year (when Co-Chair and i were the social chairs for APALSA. even t
a few interesting things happened:
(1) the Twins came back into my life! both of them happened to be at the event (yes, asians are that clique-y. we do all know each other). it was really good catching up w/them.
(2) apparently Wifey told SuperAzn that i hate her and want to punch her in the face, which is completely untrue. i only barely know SuperAzn aside from the fact that she's Princess's mentee, from NYU, and is (as by the nickname) super-asian. honestly, Wifey's got to grow up. i know she's very insecure and likes to be the "i'm-super-straightforward-don't-care-if-you-don't-like-it" type, but she also has this mean-streak because of all that and talks a lot of shit about everybody. you always gotta be careful with that girl.
(3) DRC invited a guy from Vesta to Floyd's, thinking he was hitting on me, but in actuality he was waiting for her. the guy came over to me and DRC while we were dancing and we were about to leave to head back to Brooklyn. right at the moment he got there DRC ran off to the bathroom and the guy just continued to stand there next to me. it was kind of awkward. it was pretty obvious he was just biding time until DRC got back so i just politely made convo with him until she got back (where you from, we're heading back to Brooklyn, etc.). when DRC got back from the bathroom i immediately walked away so that he could get on with business. she invited him to Floyd's and he said yes and started to follow us and DRC ran over to me to let me know she did me a favor by inviting him to Brooklyn until i explained he was hitting on her not me. how do i know? while DRC was in the bathroom i was conversing with the guy and told him we were leaving and heading to Brooklyn which he commented was too far for him since he lived in Murray Hill. but as i walked away and he was talking to DRC and she invited him to Brooklyn i distinctly heard him say, "yea, sure i'll go". so DRC inadvertently returned the affection of the guy hitting on her and ultimately gave him her number.
(4) Lockbox, Hapa, and 2.0 just prove that all boys are dogs. in the span of the night all 3 of them peed in alleyways. Lockbox was the worst b/c he peed outside as soon as we hopped out of the cab although we were right outside of Floyd's and were about to go in. he couldn't wait the 3 seconds to walk into Floyd's and use their bathroom.
i hadn't really intended to go out for anything significant since i still had to edit my paper which was due the next day at 11 am but of course the night ended up with me getting home at 4 am and had to wake up at 9 to do work. i am completely exhausted right now, but had a great time last night. what a good call on going out.
Sunday, October 5
the Weardown
someone recently mentioned how the weardown really does work for guys some times. and you know what? i have to agree. i always knew the weardown worked, but it seems to have taken on a whole new spin recently and i gotta admit, i don't really like it.
here's the lowdown on what the weardown is. no, it's not a nickname for a real person. it's more of a labelling of the M.O. of certain guys. some guys bowl you over with how good-looking they are. others win you over with their wit, charm, and intellect. some just sweep you off your feet. or else it's just attraction at first sight. then there are the weardown guys. these guys don't do any of the above. instead they just wear you down. they hover around you, telling you how cute you are and making flirty suggestions. and you would never ever ever EVER like this guy and you constantly tell him such, but he still hovers. why does he continue to hover around you? because he wants to WEAR YOU DOWN. don't get me wrong: the weardown is applied by both guys and girls. and it's a common element of fairytale dorky guy/girl gets the popular guy/girl. it can be very endearing when you hear the story of the couple that got together because 1 of the 2 had been harboring a massive crush on the other and was just persistent until the other 1 finally got a clue and realized how great that person was. aww isn't that sweet. however, in recent times, i've noticed the weardown being employed in a much less chivalrous way. more and more, and i really only see this with guys, i see the weardown being used by guys on girls just so they can hook-up or get laid. they don't really like the girl. they don't want to date the girl. they just want to get some. that's despicable and kind of sad and pathetic too. the weardown should only be used if the other person is worth that much effort. you don't just use the weardown on everyone around you; it's not bait you put in a fishing net and see how many fish you can get. aish.
on to other topics.

i haven't been as invol
ved with APALSA this year, mainly because i'm not on the e-board anymore (and honestly, thank god. now i can just go and enjoy the events). there are only 3 events of APALSA that i always must attend: the Minority Mixer, the Mentor-Mentee dinner, and the Alumni dinner. 2 of the 3 has already happened. the Minority Mixer was held at
Bacchus this year, which was a poor choice of venue. altho we did have more outdoor room than last year's event at APT 138, the food choice was severely limited and if you're going to provide free drinks, you should at least fortify the stomachs of the people drinking or else you're gonna have a mess on your hands. the only thing they served were mini sliders and chicken puffs and these were served on platters. everyone i was with was starving since usually this event has a ginormous spread so we all hadn't eaten any dinner in preparation of the free food. it got to the poin
t that waiter would walk immediately to our table first, knowing we were dying for some food. suffice it to say that with such little amount of food in my stomach i was pretty much out of commission shortly after the event.

Mentor-Mentee dinner was also a good free food and drink event, altho my mentee couldn't make it to the dinner. [insert frowny-face here]. regardless, i brought Egg up with me and we, along with Adidas, managed to play many rounds of Gawi Bawi Bo aka Muk Chi Ba [i've recently been informed that the way we play is actually Muk Chi Ba and i've incorrectly called it Gawi Bawi Bo all these years. o well, whatevs, i'm not actually korean so it's not really my fault]. super fun. and then i believe we all ended up at Brazen Head. but don't quote me on that. because for the life of me, right now i can't remember what happened later that night. eh, o well. it must not have been important then.
here's the lowdown on what the weardown is. no, it's not a nickname for a real person. it's more of a labelling of the M.O. of certain guys. some guys bowl you over with how good-looking they are. others win you over with their wit, charm, and intellect. some just sweep you off your feet. or else it's just attraction at first sight. then there are the weardown guys. these guys don't do any of the above. instead they just wear you down. they hover around you, telling you how cute you are and making flirty suggestions. and you would never ever ever EVER like this guy and you constantly tell him such, but he still hovers. why does he continue to hover around you? because he wants to WEAR YOU DOWN. don't get me wrong: the weardown is applied by both guys and girls. and it's a common element of fairytale dorky guy/girl gets the popular guy/girl. it can be very endearing when you hear the story of the couple that got together because 1 of the 2 had been harboring a massive crush on the other and was just persistent until the other 1 finally got a clue and realized how great that person was. aww isn't that sweet. however, in recent times, i've noticed the weardown being employed in a much less chivalrous way. more and more, and i really only see this with guys, i see the weardown being used by guys on girls just so they can hook-up or get laid. they don't really like the girl. they don't want to date the girl. they just want to get some. that's despicable and kind of sad and pathetic too. the weardown should only be used if the other person is worth that much effort. you don't just use the weardown on everyone around you; it's not bait you put in a fishing net and see how many fish you can get. aish.
on to other topics.
i haven't been as invol
Mentor-Mentee dinner was also a good free food and drink event, altho my mentee couldn't make it to the dinner. [insert frowny-face here]. regardless, i brought Egg up with me and we, along with Adidas, managed to play many rounds of Gawi Bawi Bo aka Muk Chi Ba [i've recently been informed that the way we play is actually Muk Chi Ba and i've incorrectly called it Gawi Bawi Bo all these years. o well, whatevs, i'm not actually korean so it's not really my fault]. super fun. and then i believe we all ended up at Brazen Head. but don't quote me on that. because for the life of me, right now i can't remember what happened later that night. eh, o well. it must not have been important then.
Thursday, October 2
you're a lesbian! you're pregnant! you're getting married!
haven't seen my girls in a while (the OTHER girls) so i went out to dinner at Kenka w/Bubby and Kiks. Kiks had told me that Bubby had a surprising, life-changing announcement to make. and i don't know why, but my immediate thought was "she's a lesbian." why is that? Bubby has had no experiences w/girls (altho i think she made out w/one once before, but we did go to an womens' college so that's really just a given) and has always been all about boys. when i got to the restaurant and i said what i thought it was that was firmly denied and my next thought was "she's getting married." also a preposterous concept b/c i know for a fact she's not dating anyone. when i recounted this story to DRC she also immediately guessed lesbian first and then guessed pregnancy second. why is that? anyways, the big announcement is that Bubby's moving out of NYC. for various reasons, she's decided to move to Charleston, SC for a while. ::sniffle, sniffle:: i will miss you, Bubby...
but since the move isn't going to be for a bit we didn't dwell on it and instead enjoyed dinner, of course starting w/beer ASAP and tako wasabi (salted octopus w/wasabi-it's so good and perfect for drinking beer w/). eventually Snoopy joined us for a bit b/c he had a dinner date later that night. Snoopy always astounds me. that boy can eat 4 dinners in a row and not get fat. and usually he does eat that many meals in a day b/c he's a social superman and never says "no" to going out or meeting up. how he has the stamina for that i really don't know... we had the weirdest and probably most inappropriate convos to have in public but it was a hilarious dinner: from what pornos we prefer, how Snoopy seamlessly picks up girls, whether guys are proportionate, art museums, etc.
at some point in the dinner i looked outside and saw Stitch walking past the restaurant. i bolted out the door and screamed down the sidewalk "STITCH!" and of course she turned around, as did the other 30 people on the sidewalk. how embarassing. she walked back towards me and we caught up and she told me she was meeting Kid later that night in my neighborhood. i've gotta admit, i'm pretty proud of the 2 of them for getting together. kudos to me for introducing them. they're both such adorable and sweet people that i'm really glad they hit it off and are having such a cute time of it right now. i'm crossing my fingers to be in their wedding some day.
we finally left Kenka and headed towards the subway when all of sudden, Bubby had to pee (damn beer and the whole concept of breaking the seal). so while she stopped at Starbucks, Kiks and i stopped at the Dessert Truck. i think i've seen it around but definitely not all the time. regardless, it has a distinct ice cream truck feel except it serves fancy desserts. for instance, i got the Chocolate Bread Pudding w/Creme Angleis, Kiks got Chocolate Mousse w/a Peanut Butter Center, and Bubby got something like Baked Apples and Cinnamon Crisp. it was all totally delish but while we were standing there and i was debating if i should get something, the way the truck's designed just made me feel like i was standing at a Mr. Softee. i told the guy in the truck that and he answered that he gets that all the time and customers have actually gotten mad at them for not having soft-serve ice cream. and altho i agreed w/him that that was just ridiculous, secretly i was thinking that same thing...
but since the move isn't going to be for a bit we didn't dwell on it and instead enjoyed dinner, of course starting w/beer ASAP and tako wasabi (salted octopus w/wasabi-it's so good and perfect for drinking beer w/). eventually Snoopy joined us for a bit b/c he had a dinner date later that night. Snoopy always astounds me. that boy can eat 4 dinners in a row and not get fat. and usually he does eat that many meals in a day b/c he's a social superman and never says "no" to going out or meeting up. how he has the stamina for that i really don't know... we had the weirdest and probably most inappropriate convos to have in public but it was a hilarious dinner: from what pornos we prefer, how Snoopy seamlessly picks up girls, whether guys are proportionate, art museums, etc.
at some point in the dinner i looked outside and saw Stitch walking past the restaurant. i bolted out the door and screamed down the sidewalk "STITCH!" and of course she turned around, as did the other 30 people on the sidewalk. how embarassing. she walked back towards me and we caught up and she told me she was meeting Kid later that night in my neighborhood. i've gotta admit, i'm pretty proud of the 2 of them for getting together. kudos to me for introducing them. they're both such adorable and sweet people that i'm really glad they hit it off and are having such a cute time of it right now. i'm crossing my fingers to be in their wedding some day.
we finally left Kenka and headed towards the subway when all of sudden, Bubby had to pee (damn beer and the whole concept of breaking the seal). so while she stopped at Starbucks, Kiks and i stopped at the Dessert Truck. i think i've seen it around but definitely not all the time. regardless, it has a distinct ice cream truck feel except it serves fancy desserts. for instance, i got the Chocolate Bread Pudding w/Creme Angleis, Kiks got Chocolate Mousse w/a Peanut Butter Center, and Bubby got something like Baked Apples and Cinnamon Crisp. it was all totally delish but while we were standing there and i was debating if i should get something, the way the truck's designed just made me feel like i was standing at a Mr. Softee. i told the guy in the truck that and he answered that he gets that all the time and customers have actually gotten mad at them for not having soft-serve ice cream. and altho i agreed w/him that that was just ridiculous, secretly i was thinking that same thing...
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