my last duties as Co-Social Chair of APALSA was the Alumni Dinner. and luckily i didn't have to do much b/c the Alumni Chairs took care of most of it. the only t
hing i had to really plan or take care of was the after party at Floyd's. the set-up was long and tedious but once that was all taken care of and the
dinner started i was completely free to do what i wanted and passed off all duties to the new e-board. so i proceeded to get rocked.
i was so excited to eat the food and hadn't really eaten anything that day so that i could eat all the food. i even got a mountainous plate. and then i got sidetracked somehow. don't ask me how, i can't remember. i don't know how time just flew by but it did and then i had to hurriedly go downstairs and change and head over to Floyd's to set-up the drink deal and tickets with the bartenders. and i ended up not eating any of my food. that just blows.
i remember the beginning of Floyd's. i remember saying "hi" to ppl and forgetting my wallet. yet somehow, i got more rocked as the night progressed. even tho i had no money. interesting. i'm sure there was a lot of generous drink-buying going on b/c i know i had a lot of jack and cokes. any pics taken at Floyd's on my camera are ones i have no memory of.
there was something that happened that night that i do remember tho. and good thing i did. ManEater was out at Floyd's and all the 2L APALSA guys were fawning over her and i noticed Crush hovering on the edges of that crowd of fawning boys. i happen to run into ManEater on the way to the bathroom and we have this convo where she reveals that she thinks Crush is really cute (naturally i agree) and i reveal i have a Crush on crush too. being younger than me ManEater immediately starts eating her words and backtracking but i assure her it's alright: after all, he's obviously like-able or else i wouldn't like him right? who wants a crush that when you tell ppl they give you that "blech" face? through some other weird twist of events i end up being at the bar standing next to Crush and we start chatting. i mention i noticed him noticing ManEater and (in a moment of complete selflessness) i reveal to him that ManEater's definitely interested and he should go over and talk to her. he's kinda shy and takes his time so i give him a few more pushes of encouragement and they're off! and they've been a couple since.
i guess the old adage is true: if you love something, set it free. if it comes back to you, it's yours. if it doesn't, then it never was. ok, so i do understand the logic behind the saying. but i'll admit this: whenever you do "set something free" you do so always hoping that they'll come back and it sucks when they don't.
1 comment:
i was not part of the 2L guys fawning over her xP.
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