yesterday was Ahjima's birthday so we went to
afterwards we went to Third Floor Cafe in k-town for drinks. the place was packed playing lots of old-school r&b & hip-hop. Third Floor Cafe is definitely a korean bar & everyone who works there is korean. the uniform for employees is a white top (of any kind) & jeans so beware when you go. the female staff is gorgeous (all about 5'5 and skinny) while the male staff doesn't live up to the standards set by the girls. however, the manager that night was pretty cute. he brought Stacey an apple martini in sheer appreciation of the fro she was sporting.
this is what i learned about korean bars/clubbing. inevitably there will be a bunch of korean guys who will fight. this happened at the end of the night when i went korean clubbing in cali & once again last night. it was awesome. Gohm (Ahjima's nicknamed him "Carebear" & he really is!) & i stepped out for a stoge & were heading towards the elevator when Gohm suddenly pulled me back, just in time to avoid being trampled by the bouncer ejecting some guy through the stairs. Gohm & i headed into the elevator & some more guys came in. right as the doors were closing the bouncer suddenly appeared and started yelling at the other guys. turns out they were being ejected too! i love being this close to the action.
so while Gohm & i were outside we heard little tidbits about the incident. this is all i managed to learn. someone's shirt got ripped, someone had a knife, it was "that guy's" fault, "wtf i didn't do anything" and "i'm gonna kill that guy". korean guys are such thugs. we stayed for about another hour where Gohm & Stacey kept threatening to bust out their one dance move (i'm still waiting) and then left. when we got outside those guys were still there! and they'd started another fight! i told Gohm that next time we go out to a korean bar i'm bringing a tub of popcorn & a 40 & just camping out on the sidewalk in front of the bar so i can catch all the action.
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