Running commentary on the things I've seen, the places I've been and what I've done in my measly years. It might help some, entertain others or bore everyone (including me). Regardless, let's get this started...
Wednesday, July 28
Alliance One bastards.
to which i respond, "no."
to which the caller responds, "put [my mother] on the phone."
again, i ask what the call is about.
to which the caller responds, in an even snarkier voice, "just put [my mother] on the phone. are you [my mother]? didn't think so. put her on the phone. "
and then usually when i say "no" since they won't identify themselves, they get pretty nasty. the responses so far are:
1. well you're just screwing [my mother] over, not me. good job with that.
2. screw you. have [my mother] call us.
this morning, right as i was headed out to work, they called again. this time, when i told them i didn't feel the need to pass the phone on when the caller refused to identify themselves, she responded (this time was a she), "you never asked" (said in a smug, self-satisfactory tone). touche. but that doesn't stop me from getting pissed. in the middle of me beginning a tirade about how ridiculous to expect anyone to speak to them when they refuse to identify themselves, she hung up.
this was the last straw. so i called them back. thank god for caller ID.
and that's how i found out about Alliance One. you debt collecting bastards.
don't get me wrong. true, i do think all debt collectors are bastards. not because they're collecting debt, but because of the methods they use. for the most part, unless the collector is collecting on behalf of the original creditor, as opposed to an entity that purchased the debt account from the original creditor (or more often times, from a purchaser-of-a-purchaser-of-a-purchaser and so on), usually debt collectors just do a general search of the main account holder's name and then harass all the people it finds until it finds the right one (or a sucker who's willing to pay).
they like to cast a wide net in order to catch a tiny minnow.
i used to work at Pressler & Pressler, which, regardless of all the angst some former employees harbor towards the place, taught me some valuable life lessons regarding debt collection and how to get them to f-off.
1. they are not allowed to speak to anyone except the debtor or the debtor's attorney. in order to confirm that they're speaking with the correct debtor, they'll usually request you verify some information. NEVER verify your place of employment or bank account information. they almost always don't actually have that information on file, so you've just been tricked into providing them sources to collect money from if they ever obtain a judgment against you. stick with the safe information such as YOUR BIRTH DATE, THE LAST 4 DIGITS OF YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, AND YOUR ADDRESS. i recommend these because often times the information may immediately eliminate you as the actual account holder. although, be warned, they may just change the information in their system so it becomes you. i've seen this happen.
2. tell them you don't want to receive any phone calls and want all correspondence in writing. it stops all the annoying phone calls.
3. tell them "don't write and don't call." this is also an option and prevents them from contacting you, EVER. however, be warned, this doesn't prevent them from sending you an initial contact verifying the debt or filing suit against you.
4. have them verify the debt. pursuant to the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act), as the consumer, you are entitled to documentation that verifies the amount of the debt and that you owe said amount. after you request such documentation, if they fail to send it to you, they cannot legally pursue you for it.
5. tell them you dispute the debt. this only works if the account isn't yours, you already paid it, or the amount's incorrect. there are no other circumstances to dispute the debt. being unable to pay it is not a dispute.
refer to the FDCPA (federal law regulating debt collection) as well as any applicable state statutes. the FDCPA is pretty simple to read. i believe NJ doesn't have any state statutes regulating collections and relies on federal lie.
i recommend performing these 5 steps first before becoming completely embroiled in any discussion with a debt collector that's calling you. many times ppl start talking to the collector, explaining about circumstances, hardships, etc.
let me clue you in on something: they don't care. AT ALL.
most collection agents are on the computer as they talk to you, with your file open in front of them, and taking down all the important information e.g. if you're going to pay, boo-hoo sob story, etc. the end-all-be-all is they want to get paid. that's it.
there are tactics and certain circumstances that warrant not paying an outstanding debt and negotiating a smaller payment or a payment plan. it's not really that hard. collectors are always authorized to some degree to negotiate with you. usually, if the debt's legit, i have no problem paying it, however, since Alliance One was such a bastard on the phone, i am praying for an FDCPA violation by them. based on our previous convos, i don't see it being that difficult. and each violation results in up to a $1,000 fine.
please, please, bring it. we could use the money.
Wednesday, July 21
going through the motions
how i have not gotten into an accident is beyond me ::knock on wood::
Thursday, July 15
phew. all trashiness depleted for the moment.
haven't embarked on a Restaurant Week in a while due to complete lack of funds, but finally did and can't think of a better way to kick it off. GI has migrated back to the East Coast after having moved out to Cali for the past few years. GI and i met when we were both studying abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland, and, as it so happened, both of us were dating people when our friendship developed. in turn, there was never a sexually tense moment between us and, somehow, it's managed to stay that way throughout these 7 years we've known each other. i guess the fact that he was in Chicago and i was in Northampton helped. and then the fact that he moved to Cali and i was in NJ/NY also helped. but i've been in similar situations and something still happened so i'd like to think it's more than that with GI.
GI and i hadn't been able to meet up since his move to the east, and he's been here for a few months already so it was great that we could finally coordinate something between the 2 of us. we ended up deciding to eat at Rayuela, which i've always been interested to eat at since i hear good things, and also because they were offering an interesting Restaurant Week menu.
of course, on the date of our dinner, the weather was sweltering. by the time i got to the restaurant i was drenched in sweat. it was not pretty (or you could say it was really pretty-pretty gross). i arrived early so i grabbed a seat at the bar and lamented the fact that, even with the front door closed, the restaurant was still warm. a tall glass of ice water remedied that situation.
GI and i got a prime seat near the front of the restaurant but at the corner booth, which was really nice. the only drawback was when our waitress came over with a small towel wrapped on a stick. why, you ask? because the sweltering heat was making the A/C work overtime, which resulted on it sweating down on diners who were sitting underneath it. i really appreciated that they were coming around to wipe the A/C sweat so it didn't rain down on me, but then, after that initial wipe, they never came back! it only rained on me once, and i just scooted to the right a little and avoided any more mishaps.
Rayuela is not a bad date option, but it also serves just as good for a friendly-dinner option. the ambience is chic but not pretentiously so (yes, the tree in the middle of the room that grows up towards the 2nd floor is very cool) and the lighting is just dim enough that it could be romantic, but not pitch black so it doesn't feel weird if you're not on a date-date. GI commented he was surprised to see such a fine-dining-esque restaurant in this location, but i'm not surprised at NYC anymore and i truly believe the sectioning off of neighborhoods and types is growing blurrier and blurrier every day.
just to prove that great minds think alike, GI and i ordered the exact same menu, except for the dessert (which we split) and our choice of wine-pairings, which is only an extra $15 so i highly recommend-although i could skip the dessert wine. blech too sweet.the amuse of gazpacho was a nice start and more than a shot glass's worth, which is always appreciated. sometimes i'm a fan of gazpacho, other times i'm not. because it was so hot outside, the gazpach was very welcome and refreshing. We both ordered the Carpaccio de Corvina & Calamari Ceviche. i'm a total sucker for ceviches so i was really looking forward to this, but it ended up tasting a little bland, which threw me off since ceviche usually entails a strong acidic/citrusy flavor. and the corvine did not taste like carpaccio but instead had the taste and texture of cooked fish. however, the sweet potato croquette was piping hot, crunchy on the outside but soft and starchy on the inside=totes delish.
As entrees we had the Piramide de Carne which is beef, duck, AND pork in a single dish. i had been torn between ordering this or the lamb or the swordfish but this completely paid off. although the portion looked "eh", the density of all those meats and a side of rice=completely filling. the poached egg was perfectly poached (something i wish i could do myself) and i broke it over my rice and swooped up any extra yummy yolk with my 3 meats.for dessert, GI and diverged so that we could get a taste of both offerings. the Pastel Rojo=red velvet cake with typical white frosting. i like red velvet cake, don't get me wrong. but is that really latin american fare? the Natilla de Chocolate had so much potential but it was starting to melt by the time it got to our table and within 4 bites was a soupy mess.
overall i thought the meal was great, sans dessert, but honestly, by that time i was pretty full anyway.
yesterday i got a call from the NYC Department of Health. apparently somebody reported getting sick after eating at Rayuela on the same night GI and i did. i'm not sure what they ate or what happened but i just want to reiterate: GI and i were perfectly healthy after our meal. the only thing we left Rayuela with was a case of food satisfaction.